Frauds in Sarawak recently-held state election

By Salleh Jafaruddin
Two former deputy federal ministers of education from 1977 to 1987 urged Pehin Seri Taib three foreign bomohs be deported fromSarawak immediately.

Dato Salleh Jafaruddin and Dato Bujang Haji Ulis call upon the Ministry of Home Affairs to immediately deport the three satanic (Stella Rachman and two others) bomohs of Pehin Seri Taib from Sarawak /Malaysia for the sake of political sanity.

BN winning stretch this election is not something to be proud of, as the overall result of the votes obtained by the opposition and the independent candidates made up 44% of popular votes. This massive support for the opposition, in spite of many odds, indicates to one clear picture that the opposition has tremendously increased and widen its support base in Sarawak.

BN win especially in Malay /Melanau constituencies of 27 PBB/SPDP seats were designed by PBB out fits under the financial control of Datuk Raziah Mahmud through the massive employment of imported gangsters from KL, Kuching, The Sarawak Silat groups, KEMAS, SPR employed thugs who loitered freely with in all polling centers during the polling day by using threats against the voters who wanted to exercise their right. The atmosphere on that polling day is fully regimented like a military rule state administration. Oh God! Please save Sarawak democracy!

I happened to meet most of them in my constituency on the polling day and confronted several groups who were positioned in all the polling stations from as early as 8.00 am. I even met one officer from Sabah by the name of Datuk Idris who claimed to be a staff of SPR who continuously stood along the corridor of one channel at St Patrick's school polling station accompanying Datuk Leo M. Toyad . I confronted him by telling him that his continuous presence at that particular spot can influence the voters out of fear. He was so arrogant that i almost told him that we Sarawakians need not require any help from an officer from Sabah whose leader is known to be very corrupt. We need no corrupt officer to guide Sarawakians in their election.
Another guy by the name of Azean bin Tahir who also wore yellow shirt with SPR tag on his shirt claimed that he is allowed to be present in the polling station compound under the pretext of guiding the voters. The same applies to the KEMAS officers, the PBB tugs employed by Datuk Raziah with PBB tags on their shirts. I lodged a complaint to the police managing the station. A heated argument almost created a commotion but after my complaint they left the station. But the appointed officers who impersonated the SPR by trying to influence the voters in all the polling stations was an act of blatant abuse of power to deceit and to antagonize the voters. There is no neutrality on the part of civil servant in conducting this election. Justice is not only not done but civil servant neutrality is not even shown except obvious bias all over the polling stations. It was shockingly undemocratic example explicitly expressed through the force of financial influence and corrupt practice by Raziah and her gangs.

Besides their frightful presence with arrogant behavior and deceitful look, the election pointed to one thing that the general election is not being carried out in a fair and just manner as if the whole country is under military style regimented administration.

Another blatant act committed by all BN candidates in the 27 constituencies of Malay/Melanau voters were to create further act of corruption and implant moral decadence in the Taib administration. The voters were offered and given between 200 to 1000 ringgit per vote and in the longhouses in my area the Iban was given 1000 ringgit per door and 200 per voter on the last night before polling. The distribution was carried by Raziah employed tugs driving more than one hundred flashy four wheel drives owned by Raziah and her groups during the wee hours of the polling eve. They employed tugs from Kuala Lumpur and Kuching and some of them were her employees.

The Muslim  have been conned to accept their bribes in exchange for voting BN in all the Muslim  majority voters all over the country. The non Muslim native voters have completely lost their moral and religious values in life. They become privy to the misdeeds committed by Raziah and her cronies. They were prepared to employ whatever means whether the act is legal or illegal for as long as BN win the election. The bottom line is to ensure that BN win and Pehin Seri Taib still control the helm ofSarawak politic over whom Raziah and her husband and the three foreign bomohs have laid their complete influence.

I therefore call on all the civic conscious and sane people of Sarawak to immediately rise up to the occasion and answer the call of “justice and fairness” through getting together with one purpose to help remove the evil influence of foreign witches from controlling the chief minister in all the decision makings involving the state administration, political affairs and as well as family affairs.

“Our semi insane leader” is now helpless in many aspects since the departure of his late wife. In fact the evil satanic influence of his bomohs has long established their influence and encircled and surrounded Pehin Seri and the family since the last ten years. He and the state will eventually be destroyed if no action is taken immediately to stop their evil influence.

Let us not let this satanic influence rule our state and destroy our democratic legacy. Let us all come together to destroy them before it is too late. It is now or never. We call upon the minister of home affairs in Kuala Lumpur to immediately revoke all the current immigration passes issued to these three evil bomohs so that they could be deported out of the country immediately otherwise the people of Sarawak will rise up to exercise our citizen rights to make citizen arrest against these unwanted devils.

26th April, 2011 KL.

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