Come home and contribute, MoCS urges S’wakians

KUCHING – Movement for Change, Sarawak (MoCS) leader Francis Paul Siah has urged Sarawakians living in the peninsula to return and contribute to their home state.

“Together, there is so much we can do for our land of birth. Sarawak is such a big, beautiful state blessed with abundant natural resources. By right, there should be no absolute poverty in Sarawak. There is enough for all as the state’s population is less than three million,” he wrote in the MoCS blog this morning.

However, Siah conceded that a new political system responsibly managed by a team of sincere, dedicated, dynamic and unselfish leaders must be put in place first.

“There is no doubt that Sarawak desperately needs a new political leadership. The sooner that is put in place, the better it would be for the state and people,” he stressed.

Emphasizing that Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud must step down, Siah said the long-serving CM remains the main obstacle to the changes and reforms that Sarawak urgently needs to move forward.

“Taib is Sarawak’s Public Enemy No 1. With the corruption that he is encouraging and continues to breed in the state’s political system, the ouster of Taib remains MoCS’s top mission for now. We have never lost sight of that goal. Taib has to go,” Siah stressed.

The MoCS leader also appealed to all Sarawakians residing outside the state to help the movement realize its agenda to reform their home state into one where every single Sarawakian has a stake in.

“Those of us who live and work outside Sarawak are not that fearful of Taib. We have not been sucked into Taib’s politics of fear and intimidation. That is what he wants our fellow Sarawakians living back home to be – be afraid of him and be subservient to him,” said Siah who himself had lived and worked outside the state for the past 17 years.

“I can say that I am not fearful of Taib at all, as powerful as he may be. With his immense wealth and power, he can threaten all he wants. I don’t care two hoots about his threats, as publicly issued recently through his most prominent ‘bootlicker’ Abdul Karim Hamzah.

“I am a Sarawakian and proud to be one. Taib’s ‘bootlicker’ does not bother me one bit. He can threaten all he wants. Those who do evil or act as accomplices to evil deeds will have to face the wrath of the Almighty and of the people one day,” said Siah.

“We can understand why Sarawakians living at home, even though they long and clamour for change, remain timid. They are aware that Taib is a vindictive and revengeful man who will not hesitate to ensure that those who oppose him will suffer for the rest of their lives.  Sarawakians, in general, are afraid of him.

“That is why those of us who have not been dependent on Sarawak for our survival for so long should come back and help the gallant few back home to fight this corrupt and evil system perpetuated by the Taib Administration,” Siah stressed.

The just-concluded state elections revealed that more than 40 percent of Sarawak voters oppose Taib and the BN state government.

“Let us go home and fight Taib. Once we get rid of this semi-insane and dangerous man, let us sacrifice a few years and help chart a new course for our state by putting a new political system in place.

“I am confident that within five years with Taib out of the scene, Sarawak will be a much better place for all,” said Siah.

The MoCS chief said that new legislations must be put in place to ensure that the new CM will never wield the same power as Taib and that his term of office must be limited to a maximum two 5-year term.

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