Banking joke

I was looking for an empty space to park my car at Bangsar when suddenly
there's a knock on the glass

"Encik ah..tanya sikit ah..itu Chimpeng mana ah..?"


"Chimpeng, Chimpeng...saya sudah tanya itu guard ah.. dia ckaap sini ada
satu Chimpeng..."

"Soli-lah Apek. Saya tak tau woh...Apa tempat itu Chimpeng?"

"Aiyah...itu Chimpeng balu punya..Saya mau pigi angkat wang la..."

"Tarak tau la boss. Itu kedai ka apa?Along ka?"

"Chimpeng bukan kedai itu pun tak tau ah..? itu Chimpeng macam itu
Maypeng, Public Peng, RHetB Peng...itu balu punya Peng.."

Adoi... buat aku pening je..dia actually cari CIMB Bank

CIMB Bank was formerly known as Bumiputra Commerce Bank, and before that it was known as Bank Bumiputra Bhd. Bank Bumiputra was set up by the late Tun Razak about 30 years ago. 30 years later, his son Nazir took over the bank and decided to fully "Malaysianise" it and share it with other races in Malaysia and rename the bank CIMB Bank which stand for CINA INDIA MELAYU BANK. Make sense, isn't it!

p/s: They cannot put the "M" (Melayu) in front because it will end up as MICB Bank and Samy Velu objected to it as he wanted to reserve the name for his own bank later.

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