What was the 'greater good' behind the pockets of secretive screening of the sex video allegedly involving Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.

What was the 'greater good' behind the pockets
of secretive screening of the sex video allegedly
involving Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.
In my last article, I suggested we don’t waste time proving the authencity of the sex video in court because Anwar Ibrahim and his people will surely rubbish the findings of any court.

So the tape is instead brought to the people’s attention directly – not incidentally the people represented by the prosecution which Anwar has no faith in. That is what Anwar wants and that is what he will get.

Will it help matters if a Royal Commission is established?

That will also be an unwise move because the findings of such a commission are not going to be accepted by either party.

How long will it take? How much will it cost? What did the previous “Correct! Correct ! Commission” achieve?

Politically I think, if this ruling government doesn’t form a royal commission, it has scored a moral victory over Anwar.

So, bring Anwar’s case to the people directly.

In that sense, the Datuk Trio of Shazryl Eskay Abdullah, Rahim Thanby Chik and Shuib Lazim, are doing exactly that.

Bringing their case directly to the people. Bring as much discredit as possible directly to the people. Calls for royal commission and debate in Parliament are a waste of time.

Did Anwar engineer it?

Is there a possibility that the video was engineered by Anwar? Many believe it is a video created by Anwar and his people. Some claimed that it is just a diversionary tactic. So we ask – diversion from what?

“From the current court case, of course” comes the almost automatic answer.

Anwar, according to some people, does not actually want the case to be heard in court. He wants it to be judged by the court of public opinion.

The best way to steer the judgment of the public in his favour is to expose another vile and scurrilous plot by the government to discredit him.

Hence this video of someone vaguely resembling him engaged in some sexual tryst. One story making the rounds has it that this is another of Anwar’s tactic to besmirch the government.

The popular version has it that Anwar wants to create this caper to accuse the government of coming up with another conspiratorial move.

It will be another addition to a long list of “desperate and heinous” moves carried out by the government to finish off Anwar.

Anwar wants to appear as the hapless victim of a big bad wolf of a government. That will be insulting to the judge, prosecution team and Anwar’s own defence team.

It suggests that this smut video flick can easily derail them from the tasks to which they have committed themselves. These are above average people not easily compromised by a cheap flick.

For the greater good

Secondly, Anwar can’t possibly come up with a trick at all. Look at the principal protagonists.

If it involves only Eskay, it may have been possible. After all Eskay claims to be a friend of Anwar and he will be willing to go along with a charade. He is rich because of Anwar.

He will be getting more money soon when some hidden hands force Yahya Jalil to pay up his fees for services rendered.

So why does he turn on Anwar, his benefactor? Eskay says it’s for the interest of the greater good.

But what about the other two guys said to be behind the smut video? Anwar can’t possibly use Rahim and Shuib.

It has been established that the video flick is the handiwork of the ‘Datuk Ts’. They admitted it.

They went public to say it. The motives inducing them differ. Eskay said he is motivated by altruistic impulses. The interests of the nation override the interests of friends.

Eskay said Anwar, his friend, betrayed the interest of the nation. How may we ask? The nation’s interests are best served by preventing Anwar from going to Putrajaya?

Anwar is not fit to become leader of this country? We must thank Eskay then for the invaluable service he has done for Malaysia. He has saved Malaysia from a serial sex offender.

If he must join forces with an alleged pedophiliac; he did so because of a bigger cause. He is saving Malaysia. He continues the agenda set before him by such people like Ummi Hafilda, Saiful Bukhari, and many others.

Eskay should receive a medal soon. Maybe to be anointed by Malaysia’s First Lady.

Rahim’s motives are essentially revenge. He says if his own removal from office last time as Malacca’s chief minister was based on some alleged gross sexual misconduct, the same principle and therefore outcome must be followed.

Shuib Lazim? Anything can be motivating this man. Perhaps something so banal as trying to ingratiate himself to the top leadership or even maybe giving an assist to a son-in-law to a serving Umno vice-president.

About Eskay we have written an earlier article. He is a useless piece of worm. He is not a politician and must be treated as a mere pawn in this political shadow play.

Examine the flaws in their arguments. By imputation, suddenly the requirement to be a top leader in Umno is that she/he must be pure and pristine. We don’t have difficulty in accepting this requirement, if the same standard is applied strictly.

I suppose if this morality rule is applied strictly, almost all the cabinet members in Najib’s administration will have to submit their resignation. This is a tale of betrayal.

Tale of betrayal

From Eskay, a Malaysian of Siamese descent, evolved a conspiracy and revenge to do Anwar in by Rahim and Shuib, who is a close friend of former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad and also of Daim Zainudin.

Shuib is uncle to Johari Abdul who doesn’t believe the actor is Anwar. He too, loves Anwar. Some other people are also roped in to provide credible testimonies.

We should be asking Nasharudin Mat Isa, PAS’ secretary-general, who was also rumored to have been present at Shangri-la, what he was doing watching the smut video?

I shall say something about this later.

In an earlier article, I described Eskay as a completely untrustworthy person. I have used an analogy along these lines. Anwar is so close to this Eskay and trusts him completely. They play and frolic together. Anwar made Eskay a very rich man – the man has 500,000 heads of Boer goats, has chalets in Langkawi, and he has dragon fruit orchards.

When Anwar was the finance minister, Eskay brought Yahya Jalil of Gerbang Perdana to meet Anwar – perhaps to broker a deal so that Yahya can get to build the crooked bridge.

Eskay has become rich through the agency of Anwar. How do you describe the relationship?

The Malays say they are like the flesh and nail. That’s how close they were. Eskay himself said and continues to say, he is Anwar’s friend.

But just like the scoundrel who seeks refuge in claiming nationalism, Eskay is now claiming national interests over the loyalty with Anwar.

He has told friends that he kept the SMS message sent by Anwar asking him to look for the Omega watch. So, Eskay does a Judas on Anwar.

By exposing this video or fabricating this video to suggest that it was boss Anwar who is the male actor, Eskay’s action is like the person a friend invites into his home and later ends up fornicating with the host’s wife.

I have used that description sans disrespect to Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail (Anwar’s wife) but to express my profound indignation at the behavior of this modern day Judas. His actions must be condemned as the most heinous and despicable.

Charge the trio

If we are to say his actions are justified because they are designed to serve a higher purpose, i.e. expose Anwar as an hypocrite, then I will answer that is just an afterthought. The expose is intended to bring shame to Anwar and motivated by revenge.

The Datuk T trio are noting but peddlers of smut material. First of all I think the police should arrest the three.

Eskay was the narrator and possibly the owner of the video material.

When he showed the 17-22 minute movie to a group of select journalists, he should have been arrested for peddling porno material.

If his identity is known and the material he showed at Carcosa Sri Negara can be regarded as pornographic, then he should be charged under the relevant act just like the pornographic peddlers in Petaling Street.

No one can trust this Eskay anymore. He was a close friend on Anwar and helped provide for the services demanded by Anwar. He was Anwar’s Mr Fixit.

He has been reported to have told many people that Anwar has done this sort of rendezvous on eight separate occasions. Each time at the same three star hotel with the same China doll.

The writer is a former Umno state assemblyman and a columnist with FMT.

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