Sabah Umno Youth chief sacked, members want explanation

KOTA KINABALU: A group of Sabah Umno division youth vice-chiefs has demanded an explanation from Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaludin over the rationale behind the immediate removal of state Umno Youth chief Azman Roslan.

Group leader Mohd Razali Razi, who is Sepanggar Umno Youth vice-chief, expressed shock over the national Umno Youth leadership’s decision to replace Azman.

He said the lawyer was an able youth leader and acceptable to the state Umno Youth.

“The timing of the (Azman’s) removal has no justification when taking into consideration that we are now gearing for the coming general election and in the midst of positioning our party to capture the trust of the people.

“If there is no acceptable explanation over the removal, we urge that Azman be reinstated as the Sabah Umno youth chief,” he told reporters when met at Terminal 1 of the Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA) here today.

Mohd Razali said the removal would create an inference that the position of Sabah Umno Youth chief was exclusively subject to the discretion of the Umno Youth chief, without any need of prior consultation with the Sabah Umno youth.

Meanwhile, Azman confirmed his removal and said that he was informed about it only last Monday through a letter faxed to Sabah Umno office, here.

He said he abided by the decision of the national Umno Youth leadership and vowed to continue his political struggle in Umno.

He confirmed that there would be changes in the Sabah Umno Youth leadership, adding that state Umno Youth vice-chief Awang Kadin Tang was tasked with leading the state movement.

- Bernama

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