PRESS STATEMENT from Francis Paul Siah, leader of the Movement for Change, Sarawak (MoCS) in Kuching on 10th April, 2011

PRESS STATEMENT from Francis Paul Siah, leader of the Movement for Change, Sarawak (MoCS) in Kuching on 10th April, 2011

MoCS wishes to announce that it has ‘adopted’ nine (9) candidates from Pakatan Rakyat parties  - six from PKR, two from DAP and one from PAS. Four (4) others including three Independents are under its direct sponsorship.

The nine ‘adopted’ by MoCS are:

Abang Zulkifli Engkeh (Saribas – PKR)

Baru Bian (Ba’kelalan – PKR)

Baharuddin Mokhsen (Tupong – PKR)

Nicholas Bawin (Batang Ai – PKR)

Harrison Ngau (Telang Usan – PKR)

See Chee How (Batu Lintang – PKR)

Ting Tze Fui (DAP – Meradong)

Leon Jimat Donald (DAP – Simanggang)

Adam bin Ahid (PAS – Sebuyau)

The MoCS election committee decided on the adoption of these nine candidates because of their close working relationship with MoCS, their unflinching support and effort to push for MoCS’ agenda for change, their discipline and dedication, ‘winnability’ or early request to MoCS for support. 

‘Adoption’ by MoCS means that the movement will provide ground support and financial assistance to them.

Much as MoCS would like to help all Pakatan candidates endorsed earlier, it is unable to do so because of limited resources and time constraint. So it is only prudent to concentrate on just a few areas to ensure maximum impact and effectiveness.

The four (4) candidates under MoCS’ direct sponsorship are:

Salleh Jafaruddin (Balingian – Ind)

Asbor bin Abdullah (Jemoreng – Ind)

Usop bin Jidin (Bukit Kota – Ind)

Gerang ak Dagom (Marudi – PKR)

There was also a late request from two other PKR candidates for support. MoCS will do its best to assist them.

Following the SNAP betrayal which emerged in mid March, MoCS had declared that it would go after the few selfish SNAP characters responsible for obstructing and sabotaging MoCS agenda for reform in Sarawak. We will make sure that such people will never get elected as they are not worthy to represent their own Dayak community.

MoCS has kept its word via Gerang ak Dagom in Marudi. We also had an earlier agreement with PKR to jointly field candidates in Bukit Saban, Krian and Machan.

The people will now be able to get a clear picture of the personalities whom MoCS had alleged to be responsible for betraying MoCS and Pakatan in their so-called ‘re-branding exercise of SNAP’.

Unfortunately, two other ‘traitors’ in SNAP did not contest in the elections.

There is no rebranding in SNAP at all. The only rebranding is the opportunity for certain people in the party to rebrand their bank accounts with dirty money from the BN.

MoCS can now bet its last dollar that SNAP will end up with zero seats on April 16.

Francis Paul Siah


1 comment:

  1. Uii brother francis siah you ne siok sendiri kah.. You ingat you raja dinsti ming kah?
