PKR’S blunder proves it’s incompetent to govern: UBF

KOTA KINABALU:  Parti Keadilan Rakyat’s blunder with its Buku Jingga Sabah in which it promised permanent residence for the illegal immigrants in Sabah is a proof that it is still ignorant and incompetent to run the country.
The Chairman of United Borneo Front (UBF), Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, said in a statement here that instead of inspiring Sabahans with its vision and mission, PKR’s President Datuk Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, created an uproar that has become another permanent blemish on PKR’s image for a long time to come.
“It’s a glaring proof that PKR is still very ignorant about what we Sabahans want, and that the party is not fit to govern the country,” he said. “How can PKR claim to improve on situation in Sabah and in the country when it is so ignorant of the laws?”
“PKR called for a Royal Commission of Inquiry on the illegal immigrants and yet at the same time offered to give them permanent residence,” Jeffrey said. “This is a case of jumping the gun because such a decision should be made only after studying the recommendations from the RCI after a full inquiry, not before the inquiry even starts!”
He is shocked that PKR is not even aware that such an offer will open the floodgates of new arrivals of illegals seeking such a privilege. “Such an offer will create more problems rather than solve the issue. PKR says the offer of permanent residence is not a blanket offer, but even a single one given will create a precedent that will further make a mockery of the immigration laws in Malaysia. Defintely, this is not the solution.”
“The best solution is to enforce the laws and make a nationwide sweep of  the illegals immediately and to deport them without compromise. The laws are there; it is just a matter of enforcing them,” he said. “PKR also needs to make a distinction between enforcing the immigration laws and undertaking an inquiry to study the problem, including its causes, in depth and thus find effective and permanent solutions.”
Jeffrey also asked if PKR actually has a selfish, hidden motive in the offer. “Is PKR sending the message to the illegal immigrants that the party will help them become citizens of they vote for PKR to take over the government? If this is the real enticement in the offer, then PKR is even worse than Umno. It is an act of treason against the country. At least Umno is not openly giving permanent residence status to the illegals.
“If PKR’s hidden intention is to misuse the illegals for  its own political purpose, then the real victims will be the true Sabahans. It will be a huge mistake which will far worsen the present situation. Clearly, it is a very dangerous suggestion by PKR,” he said. “If that’s the case the people must reject the party. And I urge those Sabahans leaders in PKR who still believe they can help their own people by being in the party to rethink their position.”

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