Of 6% Malaysian Government Tax on ASTRO monthly bill

Dear All

Have you all seen your latest Astro bill? Do check carefully. Notice
the 6% Government Tax?

Not very much some of you may say and would just pay. But think - take
that amount, multiply by 12 months and continue to pay so long as you
remain a viewer of Astro. A bigger picture ! multiply the amount you
pay for 12 months by the millions of Astro subscribers in our Land !

The Govt (same with Service) Tax effective this year - 2011 was
gazetted by the Govt to increase by 1% from 5% to 6%.

Following this all Insurance Companies passed a circular confirming
this increase.

But the circular did not state that it should be applicable to polices
bought under the names of an individual/personal name. Only polices
under corporate/companies will have to continue paying the Govt Tax
like before with an increase to 6%.

Some of you may have just renewed your polices your motor policy -
check the premium you paid. Compare with premium paid under company
names. Ring and check with your insurance agent. The stamp duty of
RM10.00 will continue as usual - no change.

Another check point - subscribers to clubs. Check your bill - is it
individual billing or otherwise? No Govt tax for individuals but yes
for companies - correct?

As such if the individuals do not have to bear the 6% when paying for
the above, WHY then is Astro billing the 6% ?

HOWCOME ! WHY ? They never billed the previous 5% since the day they
stated billing us ? Strange yes ? Why now ?

Did the Govt state that only certain industries be allowed to charge the tax?

Could we then check, get the fact confirm or are you just one of those
so willing to continue paying because :-
a) you can afford to
b) you cannot be bothered
c) you believe in paying without checking - with both eyes close
d) you do not believe in speaking and standing for truth and integrity

I believe that if " good people do not speak up then the
unrighteousness will prosper" ahem my quote!


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