Lawyer says PKR is showing its true colours on illegal immigrants

By Ezra Haganez
A prominent lawyer who left PKR in 2008 said the idea of giving permanent resident status to close to one million illegal immigrants in Sabah proved beyond doubt that PKR or Pakatan Rakyat are not sincere in solving the illegal immigrant issues here but have the UMNO-like motive to make them stay here forever.

Peter Marajin, who is now SAPP supreme council member, said in a statement that it also goes to show that PR and BN have a policy in common as far as the presence of the mostly muslim illlegal imigrants from Indonesia and Southern Philippines in Sabah is concerned. 

"It is no wonder they refused to endorse the Tambunan Declaration (which seeks also to weed Sabah of illegal immigrants) . No wonder Dr Jeffrey is disillusioned with PKR. Many within Sabah PKR, like Gaibin Ransoi, the PKR deputy head for Tuaran division, who made statement against the idea yesterday, are against this PKR idea," he said.

PKR President, Datuk Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail made the announcement to give PR status to illegal immigrants in Sabah but without the right to vote, during the PKR State Convention in Kinarut on March 12.

Marajin however said by giving the illegal immigrants permanent residents status, PKR and PR are recognising their criminal illegal entry into Sabah

"Under the law you cannot deny PR holder the voting rights, they may go to court and in no time the PKR government may be forced to give them the voting rights.

"It strentghen our belief now that only Sabah and Sarawak-based parties are genuine fighters for our rights," he said adding that Sabahans and Sarawakians who are disilusioned with the ruling BN should think twice before blindly supporting PKR or PR.

1 comment:

  1. Anwar is consistent on this one. He loves the muslim immigrants, in fact he is helping them come to Sabah.. It is his calling as a muslim and as a founder leader of Moslem Brotherhood.. This we must understand... Anwar doesn't care illegal or not... It is for Islam anyway.

    Christians crazy to support this man, unless you have his asurances in writting.
