UBF charms UPKO Komulakan...

By Ezra Haganez
 It appeared Jeffrey Kitingan's brainchild UBF or United Borneo Front has done quite a charm on Sabahans. UPKO, a Barisan Nasional (BN) component party, seems to be also interested in UBF and wants to hear more.

At least this was what was implied by the attendance of UPKO's Komulakan wing (a pre-youth wing in the party) Chief, Ewon Benedict at a "Borneo tea party" held by UBF in Kampung Kiau, Kota Belud over the weekend.

Ewon, who is also the Press Secretary to Federal Minister of Plantation, Bernard Dompok, who is UPKO's President, surprised everyone when he told the function during question and answer session, that he too subscribed to Borneo Agenda and that he is more than willing to get Jeffrey talk to UPKO's Komulakan wing.

"We do share the same vision and i don't see a problem to engage with each other... In fact UBF should engage with us the young ones," said Ewon who wore UPKO official shirt at the function, adding he would be more than happy to arrange Jeffrey's session with UPKO's Komulakan.

The Borneo Agenda outlines its seven-point demand which call for a greater autonomy for Sabah and Sarawak, and also seeks to review the Malaysia Agreement vis-a-vis Article 8 of it which provides for unlimited means to implement all the assurances given to the two states before the formation of Malaysia in 1963.

The Federation of Malaysia was originally co-formed by the Federation of Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore. Singapore was "kicked-out' of the Federation in 1965.

Delighted Jeffrey, in responding to Ewon remarks, welcome his openness and said that every politician in Sabah should emulate Ewon's open attitude so that it would be easier to achieve the aims of Borneo Agenda.

"It is because of disunity (in purpose) that we have failed to be heard. This is what UBF is all about, it is not a political party, it seeks to unite the various factions, especially the 56 MPs in East Malaysia that would eventually decide the Federal Government.

"God again is giving us in Sabah and Sarawak a window of opportunity at the coming general election. The power equation in Peninsular will be a hung, and so we will be the decider. Let us use wisdom..." he said.

Ewon, meanwhile, enlightened the crowd that his boss Dompok, contrary to perception of some people, and unlike other Ministers from Sabah, had actually fought battles for Sabah at the Federal level.

"For instance the oil and gas issue on Kimanis, Tan Sri Bernard, was there very vocal but where were the other Sabah ministers?..." he said adding that many of Sabah plights are the results of own making such as the depleting assurances in the 20-Point agreement.

Political vehicle 

Responding to audience questions, currently partyless Jeffrey, acknowledged he had been switching parties too often but defended his action for wanting to stick to his fight to redeem Sabah's independence vis-a-vis the major fulfillment of the 20-Points and all the assurances given to Sabah and Sarawak.

"Yes i have switched parties, but that was because the vehicles i was in, had either veered from my destination, or was not willing to finish the journey, for other reasons.

"But my struggle and objective had always been the same for Sabah. Even before i was in political parties, i voiced out the mistreatment and the 20-Point issue, and was put under ISA detention, that when i was still not in political party.

"And till today my struggle is still the same, but other leaders while might not have switched parties often, their struggle had changed to more for self-interest, which is not my fight," he pointed out.

Maverick Jeffrey  also said that he might not necessarily be leading a new party, if a component of BN pulls itself out and fully subscribe to his Borneo Agenda, indicating he might as well join that party, if there is.

However three weeks ago in another UBF function in Entilibon, Telupid, Jeffrey in his speech had said he would have a new party by March. Many believed the party is the dormant Sabah Democratic People's Power Party or Setia currently presided by little-known Henry Sabagong Rumpit.

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