Tell Taib to go, MoCS appeals to Najib

6th February, 2011

KUCHING – An appeal has gone out to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to do his foremost duty for Sarawak and its people – be courageous enough and ask Taib Mahmud to step down as chief minister.

“If the prime minister really wants his Political Transformation Programme to succeed in Sarawak, he has one important task to do – exert his authority as Barisan Nasional chairman and replace Taib,” Movement For Change, Sarawak (MoCS) leader Francis Paul Siah said today.

“Any real political transformation in Sarawak has to begin with a change in the state’s leadership. If not, the prime minister’s transformation programme is just one big farce. How can you hope to change anything with a chief minister who has been in charge for 30 years?” he asked.

The MoCS leader was responding to a statement from BN secretary-general Tengku Adnan Mansor who said that the meetings in Miri today between Najib and Sarawak BN elected representatives were part of the initiatives taken by the PM under his Political Transformation Programme.

Siah stressed that the people of Sarawak were all for change and transformation and Najib, as the prime minister of all Malaysians, should know by now what he has to do .

“Surely, the PM is not blind to what is happening in Sarawak with Taib at the helm. In fact, Najib would be doing himself and the Sarawak BN a great favour by asking Taib to step aside. Sarawakians may even return the BN to power in the coming state elections with Taib out of the picture.

“In general, the people of Sarawak have been supportive of Najib as prime minister. They are prepared to give him a chance to make good his promises and plans for the nation. They are not totally against the BN but Taib has stuck out as the BN’s sore thumb. Sarawakians have enough of a chief minister who has gotten out of control,” said Siah.

The MoCS chief told Najib that he would not be able to get any negative feedback about Taib from the BN state representatives in their meeting today because they were too fearful of the CM.

“If Najib wants to hear the truth about how Taib runs the state, then he should ask those who owe the CM nothing like independent groups including MoCS,” he said.

Siah said the PM’s Political Transformation Programme for Sarawak should be people-centric, giving citizens who have little or no opportunity in the past the chance to make their lives better.

“It should not be about concentrating on killing off the opposition altogether and aiming to govern till kingdom come. This is no political transformation, it is political decadence,” he added.

Released by
The MoCS Team

1 comment:

  1. How is it that there is not a decent highway build between the cities in the state of Sarawak ??
