Stage Ming Court 2, Sarawak BN reps urged

5th February, 2011
Stage Ming Court 2, Sarawak BN reps urged

KUCHING - A citizens’ movement in Sarawak has urged Barisan Nasional elected representatives in the state to revolt against the leadership of Abdul Taib Mahmud by initiating a peaceful coup d’etat ala Ming Court 1987 from within.

“I am asking those BN representatives – those with some conscience left – to stage Ming Court 2 and oust the corrupt chief minister who  remains persistent in holding on to power despite widespread calls for him to step down,” Movement For Change, Sarawak (MoCS) leader Francis Paul Siah urged today.

Siah said he was aware that many members and supporters of State BN component parties were getting uneasy and uncomfortable with the prolonged tenure of Taib as chief minister.

“One key figure in a State BN party remarked to me over this Chinese New Year that he could not understand why Taib still wants to hold on to power despite the growing opposition against him. He said that Taib should have stepped down long ago,” Siah revealed.  

“The truth is that a large cross-section of the Chinese and Dayaks in BN parties like SUPP, PRS and SPDP want a change in the state’s leadership. “PBB is also not as united as it is projected to be. There have been murmurs of discontent in the Bumiputera-based party too.

“The only thing holding them back is their fear, cowardice and self-interests. Taib has a stranglehold on their careers, businesses and livelihood,” he said.    

Siah related how a close aide of the late PBB strongman Dr Sulaiman Haji Daud described to him how he (Sulaiman) once shook his head in disbelief and disgust when asked what he thought of Taib Mahmud.

“Dr Sulaiman - such a humble, nice person and not one to bad-mouth anyone - simply shook his head to indicate what he thought of Taib. That said it all of his impression of the chief minister,” said Siah.

The late Sulaiman Daud was a PBB veteran who had served in seven ministries in the Malaysian Cabinet from 1981-1999, including as Education Minister. He died in March last year.

“I am proud to have known Dr Sulaiman personally. He was such a caring, responsible and trustworthy politician. We do not see many Malay leaders in PBB in the mould of Dr Sulaiman Daud today,” Siah said.
The MoCS leader believed that there are certain segments in PBB who want to see a new party leader but were too fearful of Taib to do  anything.

“But BN elected representatives can do something as a unified group. They can stage an internal revolt, learning from the lessons of the failed Ming Court coup in 1987,” Siah said.

In that infamous revolt 24 years ago, 28 state assemblypersons out of the then 48-member State Legislative Assembly gathered at the Ming Court Hotel in Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, calling for the removal of Taib as chief minister. The rebels, including several state ministers and assistant ministers, were led by Tun Abdul Rahman Yakub, Taib’s uncle.

However, the March 1987 revolt failed when Taib called for fresh polls which were held the following month. In the elections, Taib’s camp garnered 28 seats while the rebels only managed to secure 20 seats. The rest is history.

Siah felt that a revolt against Taib was more purposeful, necessary and urgent now than in 1987.

“This fresh revolt should be undertaken in the name of the people of Sarawak. The Ming Court coup of 1987 could not be for such noble intentions as now. The people of Sarawak have suffered enough, principally due to Taib’s blatant abuse of power, mismanagement of the state’s resources and widespread corruption,” he said.

The MoCS chief pointed out that by calling for Ming Court 2, it does not necessarily mean that the BN reps pass a vote of no-confidence against Taib in the State Assembly. 

“There are many ways to stage Ming Court 2. They can do it during the coming elections or after the elections, if Taib is still in power.

“They must be able to think, plan and strategise. Although Taib has been known to be a master tactician and political schemer, the younger set of leaders today could surely do better to out-fox and out-wit a 74-year-old man who is already entering his sunset years.

“If they need help to oust Taib, MoCS is more than happy to partake in any plan which will see to the birth of a new and vibrant leadership and government for Sarawak. We are ready to join the rebels with a cause,” he said.

Siah also reiterated MoCS’s stand that the movement was prepared to work with any political party or organisation which would help see to the ouster of Taib as chief minister.

“Taib has to go first. Only then, can Sarawak start afresh,” he added.

Released by:
The MoCS Team
For further queries, contact Tel: 016-6381328

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