The shameless conspiracy against Robert Phang

By Din Merican

Robert Phang--MACC Corruption Panel Member

On Thaipusam Day, January 21, I called on all Malaysians to “Let us stand up for and defend ROBERT PHANG against ROGUES AND LIARS!” against the onslaught of the UMNO bloggers. I made that call because I knew that shortly the whole machinery of the government would be abused to hound Phang. I knew there would be an attack in concert to malign Phang to the maximum. I knew they would manipulate and fabricate to fix Phang.

A Mexican Stand-off

They will need to attack Phang in order to create a Mexican stand-off because Phang had been critical of A-G Gani Patail, especially his Meccan escapade with Encik Shahidan Shafie, Tajuddin Ramli’s proxy. They will need to intimidate Phang so that Phang will cease his criticisms against A-G Gani Patail. They will do all that so that eventually there will be a truce of sorts, and Robert Phang will keep quiet for good. That was what they exactly did in 2007.

Victimisation of Small Fish: DSP Bahrain Che Ros, Ken Hock and Hassan Aman of PDRM

I will tell you what was told to me recently by a family member of the policemen who are still suffering to this day. In case you have forgotten, at that time the Along illegal loan shark syndicate became a national menace. Several junior policemen had obtained information that IGP Musa Hassan was involved with a syndicate operator in Tangkak. So, Inspector Hong Ken Hock and Sergeant Major Hassan Aman reported to the desk officer, DSP Baharin Che Ros, about the information they had recorded from some Chinese informants.

At the same time, then Deputy Home Minister, Dato’ Johari Baharom, also received similar intelligence report of IGP Musa Hassan’s involvement with a VIP syndicate. He instructed Dato’ Ramli Yusuff, then Director of Commercial Crimes Investigations Dept (CCID), to investigate and report to him directly. Dato’ Ramli did exactly as he was instructed. This led to the arrest and detention of the syndicate operator, Goh Cheng Poh aka Tengku Goh.

The silencing of Dato’ Johari Baharom

An anonymous blog suddenly surfaced to allege that Johari was also involved in protecting another rival syndicate. That blog was a once-off blog set up by Dato’ Christopher Wan, then Director CID. It closed down immediately after that story was leaked to the press.

Dato’ Johari was in a fix and became the subject of investigation by the ACA (now MACC). A truce was called where A-G Gani Patail then cleared both IGP Musa Hassan and Dato’ Johari Baharom. Johari was silenced forever. That is how the game is played.

Dato Ramli Yusuff was victimised

While Johari has been cleared and got away unscathed, they decided that Dato’ Ramli must be eliminated. When Tengku Goh was about to spill the beans on IGP Musa Hassan and mentioned Musa’s name several times in his affidavit, A-G Gani forced these junior officers to surrender their confidential informants’ file to Dato’ Yusof Zainal Abidien (now Solicitor -General II).

Dato’ Yusof knew this was illegal and refused to accept the file which was then passed to Dato’ Nordin Hassan, the MACC’s Director of Prosecution. Nordin Hassan is Gani Patail’s blue eyed boy who had a meteoric rise after his successful mission to fix Anwar Ibrahim in Sodomy I. With that file, Nordin directed the MACC to hunt down the Chinese informants and forced them to retract what they had said earlier. The mainstream media then ran a sensational story that IGP Musa Hassan was being framed by his own men in blue.

This was the first and only time in the history of PDRM and the country that an IGP has accused his own men of framing him. Musa is also the first IGP in history to be denounced by a court of law as a witness whose evidence is not credible, which is the polite legal jargon for calling a man in high position a LIAR!

In the end, Sergeant Major Hassan Aman, Inspector Hong Ken Hock and DSP Baharin Che Ros were charged for false evidence against the IGP under section 199 of the Penal Code. Their case is still not over. The prosecutor is none other than the despicable DPP Kevin Morais.

Musa Hassan's shadow lords over IGP Ismail Omar

The following questions arise: Why would junior officers want to frame their own IGP? What do they gain? Can DSP Baharin rise to become IGP if he brings down IGP Musa Hassan whereas a DSP is lowly ranked officer in the hierarchy? How come police confidential informants’ register can be seized by the MACC? Where is the integrity and confidentiality of police investigations? Why was the case investigated by the MACC whereas the charge against them is for a Penal Code offence? Why was the PDRM muted and had done nothing to protect its own men in blue? No wonder morale is so low in PDRM – espirit d’ corp is dead! Current IGP Tan Sri Ismail Omar should wake up to this and act decisively!

Rosli Dahlan and the A-G: A Personal Vendatta

Meantime, instead of defending the CCID officers, A-G Gani Patail told them to get their own lawyer to prepare their affidavit and gave them only 2 days, over the weekend, to do so. A-G Gani Patail abdicated his duties under Article 145 of the Federal Constitution for a personal agenda. Dato’ Ramli ran to seek help from lawyer Rosli Dahlan who agreed to prepare affidavits not only for the CCID officers but also for Dato’ Johari Baharom. This infuriated A-G Gani Patail against Rosli.

To finish off Dato’ Ramli, the MACC leaked to the mainstream media that Dato’ Ramli is a corrupt “RM 27 Million Cop” which made him to come under investigations. When Dato’ Ramli showed that he had previously filed 37 asset declarations which clearly established that all his assets are legitimate, A-G Gani got more angry and directed Nordin Hassan to get MACC to go after Rosli.

The rest is history, Rosli was brutally arrested, paraded in handcuff and charged just one day before Hari Raya, 2007. Dato’ Ramli was stripped of his rank and privileges as Commissioner of Police, forfeited of his pension and then charged in a sensational manner.

Release of Syndicate Operator, Goh Cheng Poh aka Tengku Goh.

While all these were taking place, A-G Gani quietly advised Dato’ Johari Baharom to release Tengku Goh. In one stroke, they canned Dato’ Ramli from probing the MAS case and this Along syndicate case. That is the name of the game.

A Replay of an Old Script with a new supporting actor, Ramon Navaratnam

So what we have today against Robert Phang is just an old script being churned out again. They have done it before and they will do it again. There will be a charade by politicians and kaki bodeks singing in a chorus, extolling high ideals as if they are paragons of virtue. They will conspire to bring down a man who speaks the truth.

But what wrong did Robert Phang do? Phang came under attack after he raised concerns about public perceptions on a host of issues. These are about the lack of action in the MAS Scandal; AG Gani Patail’s Haj Trip under suspicious circumstances; A-G Gani Patail’s relationship with the former Chairman of MAS, Tajudin Ramli’s proxy, one Encik Shahidan Shafie; about perceived selective prosecution; and also the disclosure of a confidential MACC meeting by Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam who announced that the A-G had been cleared of any wrongdoing without any investigation.

Phang merely asked for accountability of controversies that were already in the public domain. That was all Phang did. But Phang had angered A-G Gani Patail and therefore Phang must be “canned”. That is the game they play with the lives of the innocent Malaysian citizens.

Looking Back in History

Throughout history, almost all messengers, prophets and bearers of good news (gospel) have been persecuted. Today is Sunday, and I hear that Robert Phang is a good Christian. Therefore, I believe he would seek solace in Sunday Mass together with all our Christian brothers and sisters. I believe that Christians and people of all faiths will pray for his safety and that no harm would befall him by evildoers and petty rumour mongerers.

I would like to remind Phang to find strength by reflecting that Jesus was persecuted by his own people. It was the Jewish temple elders who surrendered Jesus (to Muslims Jesus is Isa alMasih) to Pontius Pilate, the Roman Prefect of Judaea, to be flogged, adorned with a crown of thorns and then crucified. It was his own kind who forsook him.

Therefore, say to Phang – you will find amongst your own MACC Panel Advisers those who will forsake and betray you like Judas Iscariot who gave Jesus the kiss of death. I need to say no more than to reproduce news reports below from the Malay Mail and the NST so that Robert Phang and Malaysians can tell who are the Judas who will betray Phang and the cause of justice. I say to Phang, fear not this conspiracy to persecute you for you will be elevated like how Jesus was elevated to be the Christ when they crucified him.

To Phang, I say please stand tall, and to all Malaysians regardless of our creed and colour, let us shame these conspirators who try to bring down ROBERT PHANG !

Calls for MACC to investigate its advisor on alleged bribery

Deputy Minister urges probe on bribery bid allegation, others say it is ‘questionable’

Shahrim Tamrin

LIEW: MACC obliged to probe as it involves panel member.

TAN: Any allegation on the Internet is always questionable.

PETALING JAYA: Calls have been made for the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to investigate Tan Sri Robert Phang Miow Sin, a member of its Consultation and Corruption Prevention Panel, who is alleged to have tried to bribe a government official last year.

Deputy Minister in Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Liew Vui Keong urged MACC to initiate an investigation.

“It’s the obligation of MACC to check on allegations involving an important personality within the MACC circle. It has to investigate the allegations even though it’s from a blog post since it involves the commission panel member.

“They cannot depend on receiving formal complaints alone before they initiate a probe,” Liew told The Malay Mail in a telephone interview yesterday.

Adding that MACC had in the past initiated investigations based on claims from other unofficial sources, he said: “The commission should treat this case the same way they would ‘poison-pen’ letters. This kind of allegation can only be substantiated after an investigation.”

Liew’s opinion was shared by MACC anti-corruption advisory board member Tan Sri Megat Najmuddin Megat Khas, who said any allegation concerning corruption should be investigated by the MACC.

“We cannot allow the MACC’s credibility to be undermined, especially if it involves an advisory panel member. So, I think it should be investigated by the commission,” said Megat Najmuddin when contacted yesterday.

The allegation against Phang first surfaced in the blog ‘A Voice’ last Monday. The blog named Phang and even posted his picture when alleging that he tried to bribe with money hidden in a T-shirt before Hari Raya at the office of a ministry’s secretary-general to induce the award of RM900 million worth of contracts by the ministry.

In an exclusive interview with The Paper That Cares yesterday, Phang had described the allegation as “utter rubbish, misleading and amusing”.

Phang had said the allegation was to intimidate him from speaking out on issues of public importance. He had said the bloggers were “cowards” for hiding their true identities.

On whether he would allow himself to be investigated by MACC, Phang said he welcomed such a probe. “If at all there is any investigation by MACC, not only do I welcome it but I will extend my fullest cooperation.”

Saying he would walk the talk, Phang was willing to relinquish his post as MACC advisor if an investigation was carried out. “Likewise, I believe others should do the same.”

Phang believed he had come under personal attack because he recently voiced concern about several high-profile cases, naming issues related to Malaysia Airlines loss scandal; the Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail’s relationship with former MAS chairman Tan Sri Tajudin Ramli’s proxy Shahidan Shafie; perceived selective prosecution; and the disclosure of a confidential MACC meeting by panel chairman Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam, who announced the A-G had been cleared of any wrongdoing without any investigation.

Meanwhile, Navaratnam, when contacted with regards to the same issue, said one should not take the allegations by the bloggers seriously without proper evidence.

“We have to be fair and leave it up to MACC to handle this matter. Our role is purely advisory and we have no basis to urge for a probe by the commission. It’s not our role.”

Special Committee on Corruption panel member Dr Tan Seng Giaw said allegations from a blog post was not realistic enough to be worth consideration. “This kind of allegation is difficult to prove without evidence. I respect the people’s view but any allegation on the Internet is always questionable.”

Saturday, January 22, 2011, 01.04 PM

MACC begins probe into blogger’s claims

PUTRAJAYA: The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has begun investigations into allegations that Tan Sri Robert Phang Miow Sin tried to bribe a government official last year.

A source familiar with the case said a representative from Malay rights non-governmental organisation, PERKASA, lodged a report yesterday over the allegations which surfaced on a blog.

“The blog postings alleged that Phang tried unsuccessfully to get a top-level civil servant to accept a T-shirt that was stuffed with an envelope containing an undisclosed amount of cash in return for a favour involving a RM900 million government contract,” the source disclosed.

It is understood that investigations have just begun although the MACC will record Phang and the civil servant’s statements.

Calls have been made to the MACC to investigate Phang, who is a member of its Consultation and Corruption Prevention Panel.

The blog named Phang and even posted his picture, alleging that he tried to offer the bribe before Hari Raya at the office of a ministry’s secretary-general to induce the award of RM900 million worth of contracts by the ministry.

Stand Up for and Defend Robert Phang


25 Votes

January 20, 2011
Let us stand up for and defend ROBERT PHANG against ROGUES AND LIARS!

by Din Merican

Today, Malaysian Indians of the Hindu Faith celebrate Thaipusam. Like most religious festivals which has moral significance, Hindus commemorate Thaipusam as the occasion when Parvati gave Murugan a vel (spear) so he could vanquish the evil demon Soorapadman. During Haj, Muslims throw stones at the Jamrah to commemorate Prophet Abraham’s stoning satan (the devil) who tempted him to disobey God. Religious literature is replete with such examples. It is a reminder to mankind that eventually good will overcome evil. It is a reminder that God is watching us.

In matters of state and mundane worldly affairs, we cannot, however, leave things to God to resolve for us. The Roman saying “ Give unto God what is God’s and Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s” reverberates in the same way as the Shariah’s concept of “Hablum Minallah and Hablum Minanannas”(Mankind’s relationship with God and Mankind’s relationship with his fellow Mankind).

The Rule of Law and an Ordered Society

Standing Up for Justice

Thus, to ensure that there is order in society, we have laws to govern us. As a matter of good governance, there has to be checks and balances in implementing these laws. That is what we expect in the balance between the two most powerful law enforcement agencies in the country, Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM) and the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (M ACC). While PDRM is the principal law enforcement agency over all general and specific laws, we expect the MACC to ensure that PDRM does not abuse its powers or commit corruption. But we are disappointed!

Time and time again we see PDRM and MACC working hand in glove. Instead of checking against one another, they collude with each other.

In 2007, instead of investigating reports by junior police personnel that former IGP Musa Hassan was in cahoots with the Along illegal loan shark syndicate, the MACC intimidated several Chinese informants to frame these junior policemen. It was then all too convenient for AG Gani Patail to charge them for fabrication of evidence against IGP Musa Hassan and the syndicate man, Goh Cheng Poh aka Tengku Goh went scot free.

DSP Baharain, Ken Hock and Hassan Aman: You are forgotten by PDRM, not us

Their case is still on-going and I will write about them shortly because I have just received a plea from one of their family members, a youngster, about the “penganiayaan” that they and their whole family had to suffer just because their fathers were carrying out their duties.

This child was sad that I wrote only about Dato’Ramli Yusuff and Lawyer Rosli Dahlan, only the big people. Let me tell suspended DSP Baharin Che Ros, suspended Inspector Hong Ken Hock and suspended Sergeant Major Hassan Aman that they are not forgotten. But the duty to remember them is their own Pasukan- their own PDRM which may have forsaken them!

The Teoh Beng Hock Tragedy: A Cover-Up

The MACC and PDRM also colluded in fixing up the investigation outcome of the Teoh Beng Hock Coroner’s Inquest. They had the scene of crime, they had a dead body outside of the MACC office window, they had a broken window handle which is clear evidence of Teoh being thrown out of that MACC office window, they had a list of the names of people who handled Teoh, they had senior DPPs and the Director of Prosecution of the MACC to assist the Coroner and yet the verdict was a disappointing – “We don’t know!”. This is a damning verdict on the state of justice in our country.

We see this sort of cover ups becoming more balatant of late. It is time we say we cannot have cover ups to be institutionalised. It is time we say no more!

Sanctimonious Ramon Navaratnam’s Poor Judgment

That is why there was public furor over Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam’s clearing of A-G Gani Patail over his consorting with Tajuddin Ramli’s proxy Shahidan Shafie. That is why Tan Sri Robert Phang asked A-G Gani Patail to clear the air. Instead of doing that, proxy attacks by UMNO bloggers are now being launched incessantly against Robert Phang.

Proxy Attacks on Phang
Phang is under personal attacks after he questioned the lack of action in the MAS Scandal and A-G Gani Patail’s Haj Trip with Shahidan Shafie. Obviously, AG Gani Patail, Tajudin Ramli and Shahidan Shafie are hurting badly, not because they are repentant Hajis remorseful of past evil deeds, but because of Phang’s comments. Thus, these UMNO bloggers are working hard to defend these three and spin a new story that MAS did not lose so much money after all.

MAS’massive losses

Clearly, they are trying to make fools of the Malaysian public. Clearly they are trying to re-write history about MAS Widespread Asset Unbundling (WAU) restructuring which was implemented to get MAS out of the brink of bankruptcy. The reports of MAS losses lodged with the Police and the MACC were made by then MAS Managing Director, Dato’ Seri Idris Jala himself.

Idris Jala is now Minister in the Prime Minister’s Dept in charge of the Economic Transformation Program (ETP) for the government and of the country. Are they saying Idris lied when he made these reports? If Idris was wrong on the MAS losses, are we safe to leave our economic fortunes with this man? Is Idris now cooking the country’s economic books to present a rosy picture for PM Najib’s administration? These UMNO bloggers spin without thinking that in the end they damage PM Dato Seri Najib’s credibility more by their falsehoods.

As for Phang, they now accuse him of being in conspiracy with me, RPK, and a few others. Conspiracy for what? According to them, we are out to attack and discredit former IGP Musa Hassan, the MACC, and A-G Gani Patail. These proxy attackers should know that there is no need for me to attack A-G Gani or his Chambers. Just look at Dato’ Razak Musa strangulating himself in TBH’s Inquest and tell me if they have any credibility?!

What conspiracy?

Their conspiracy theory is not just preposterous but borders on the assumption that their readers are living in Bodohland. Thus, to depict that they

Gani Patail is the problem. He is mired in controversy . He is vindictive. He victimizes the innocent and protect the crooks

have supporters amongst their readers, they delete the negative comments they received and put up their own positive comments. The things these mercenary writers do!

For good measure they bring in names of people who have been victimised by the system and who are now fighting back. They dragged in Ramli Yusuff and lawyer Rosli Dahlan as part of this conspiracy theory, whereas I wrote about their cases since 2007. They dragged in Dato’ Mat Zain Ibrahim, former KL CID Chief, whereas it is only recently that Dato’ Mat Zain came into the scene to expose Musa Hassan’s and Gani Patail’s fabrications and manipulations.

In short, these UMNO bloggers behave like a bull in a china shop, they attack anyone who speaks out against the abuses in the system. That is how skewed these UMNO bloggers are. These proxy attacks launched through anonymous blogs is an old tactic.

If Phang’s comments about A-G Gani are untrue, then A-G Gani should deny it publicly. As private citizens with civil rights, Tajuddin and Shahidan could take out legal suits for defamation and slander. As the powerful A-G, Gani Patail could institute prosecution for criminal defamation against the writers who discredited his office. There is precedence – Raja Petra Kamarudinwas charged for allegedly defaming our Prime Minister’s wife, and the PM’s wife is not even a civil servant!

The A-G’s silence is deafening

One down and out ,one to go.

The AG’s silence could only mean there is much truth in the allegations of his association with Shahidan and in him being compromised over the MAS Scandal such that he NFA’d the case despite Dato’ Ramli’s written recommendation that Tajuddin should be charged for various offences.

Now they accuse Phang of bribery! The intention is clear. It is to make Phang the subject of investigation by PDRM and MACC. A-G Gani Patail will then decide to press charges against Phang. That is what happens when you go against A-G Gani Patail. That was what happened Dato’ Ramli Yusuff and Rosli Dahlan in the MAS Scandal. Instead of going after the real crooks, they went after the Police Director and the lawyer!

But they made a big mistake in Rosli’s case and he is now fighting back. Are these bloggers, MACC and AG Gani Patail making the same mistake now by attacking Phang?

It seems so. Lone MACC dissenter Phang is not some kaki bodek like the sanctimonious Ramon Navaratnam who would cower at such base tactics. Phang has issued a Press Statement which, surprisingly, is carried by some mainstream media like the NST and The Malay Mail today. I reproduce the full text of Phang’s statement below in which he did not mince his words.

I call on all Malaysians to rise and defend Robert Phang against these rogues and liars!

January 20, 2011
Chairman – Social Care Foundation
Panel Advisor of Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC)


1. In the last two days I have been receiving many calls from friends and the media asking for my comments on the personal attacks made against me in various anonymous blogs. I have asked these callers to help me identify who these writers and blog-hosts are, but I am told that no such information are available on these blogs. In other words, these are cowards who hide their true identity. These are mercenary writers and spreaders of falsehoods as aptly described by the Malay saying “Lempar Batu Sembunyi Tangan”.

2. It is noted that I started to come under personal attacks only recently, after I raised concerns about public perceptions on a host of issues about the lack of action in the MAS Scandal; the Attorney-General’s Haj Trip under suspicious circumstances; AG Tan Sri Gani Patail’s relationship with the former Chairman of MAS, Tajudin Ramli’s proxy, one Encik Shahidan Shafie; about perceived selective prosecution; and also the disclosure of a confidential MACC meeting by Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam who announced that the AG had been cleared of any wrongdoing without any investigation. For merely asking for accountability for all these controversies that were already in the public domain, I became the subject of these attacks.

3. Let me be clear that in all the above matters, my comments are proven justified. I have been vindicated in that the MACC now says it is investigating the MAS Scandal. It is notable that the MACC Corruption Prevention Panel, after a meeting with the Home Minister, Dato’ Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein, on 10 January 2011, was authorized to issue a public statement to censure its Chairman, Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam, for making that unauthorised clearance of AG Gani Patail. The Panel also urged AG Gani Patail to clear the air on the issues raised in public domain with the Rakyat as soon as possible – in which he agreed to do so.

4. In regard to the vicious attacks by these anonymous blogs against me, I can only deduce that some people have been hurt badly by my previous comments. Let me also be clear on this – my comments referred to above were based on matters that are already in the public domain. It is on record, that from day one till now, I have merely urged and invited AG to engage, explain and clear the air with the public as soon as possible.

5. I am told that one of the stories in these anonymous blogs initially claimed that I am involved in a conspiracy to discredit former IGP Musa Hassan, AG Gani Patail and the MACC. This is such a lame and illogical allegation. Recently, to intimidate me from speaking out on issues of public importance, these blogs also created a fanciful story that I tried to corrupt a KSU of one Ministry. Very amusing stories.

6. I say to these phantom writers – do not think I can be cowed by such delinquent and childish antics. I will not dignify these acts of cowardice seeking cheap publicity at my expense. TO BE SURE AND CLEAR, I DENY THESE VINDICTIVE STORIES OF FICTION AND IMAGINATION. The objective of these personal attacks against me is clearly to confuse and distract the public from the real issues that I have identified above. I will walk my talk. I INVITE THESE MERCENARY WRITERS TO IDENTIFY THEMSELVES AND MAKE THE ALLEGATIONS AGAINST ME PUBLICLY. Do not think by doing this you can shut me up to cover up for your masters.

7. Sincerely and humbly, I say to these cowards again – if you have the guts, identify yourselves and repeat your allegations in an open forum. Then, I will expose the liars that they are and I will take the appropriate action against them. I will continue to speak out until all these rogues are weeded out. That is my pledge.

8. If at all there is any investigation by MACC, not only do I welcome it but I will extend my fullest corporation. THE TRUTH MUST PREVAIL.

9. I will support MACC in their fight against corruption.


Tan Sri Datuk Robert Phang Miow Sin
Justice of Peace

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