Mahathir says Malays are under threat, but from whom ?

Dr Mahathir Mohamad claimed that the Malays are under threat. Under threat from whom? Can the Malays be under threat:
From a minority 35% of the population over the majority 65% which are made up of Malays?
From a less than 10% minority in the police, army, judiciary,
attorney-general's chambers and MACC which are predominantly filled by Malays?
From a minority of the members of Parliament where Malays make up more than 60% of the majority?
From a group who doesn't control the air, sea and land? These are
controlled by Umno and its cronies such as MAS, AirAsia, MISC, the
toll concessionaires and Naza, Proton and Perodua.
From a group who doesn't control the supply of basic necessities such
as food, water and utilities? These are monopolised by Umno cronies
such as Bernas (rice and flour), the water concessionaires (Syabas,
Splash, etc), Telekom (telephone, Intenet), Tenaga Nasional
(electricity) etc.
From a group who doesn't control the mainstream media. The mass media are wholly controlled by Umno and its cronies such as Utusan Melayu, Berita Harian, New Straits Times, The Star, The Sun, Media Prima (TV1,TV2, TV3, TV7, TV8, TV9 and all the radio stations), Astro, etc?
From a group whose mother tongue and religion aren't enshrined in the
federal constitution where Malay is the official language and Islam is
the official religion? Other groups can't even hold any interfaith
dialogues and use of the word of 'Allah' without being severely
intimidated by protests, storming of conferences and warnings from
From a group who can't be appointed the prime minister, deputy prime
minister and menteri besar and a host of high positions in the Malay
states as enshrined in the state constitution or decree by the sultans
where only Malays from Umno can be appointed?
From a group who are ever subjected to the intimidation of arrest
under the flimsiest of excuses using the ISA, the police, MACC, etc
and a myriad of repressive laws such as the Sedition Act, the
Multimedia Act and treason against the sultan etc?
Of course Umno are spared from such actions and from such laws. It is a blatant lie that the non- Malays can ever threaten the Malays. Who is actually threatening the Malays? From the look of things, Umno's finger prints are everywhere - Umno Malays are actually the ones threatening and stealing from the ordinary Malays and non-Malays.
Someone has to be the punching bag and scapegoat for Umno clinging on to power and their thievery - hence putting the blame on the
non-Malays. Umno is a racist party and it is very clear that they are
separating the sultans from their subjects and the Malays from the
non-Malays for their own selfish ends without a thought of the
consequences and for our economy.
Can you see the real picture?

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