‘Thank god for Jeffrey’s exit!’

KUCHING: Borneo rights champion Jeffrey Kitingan’s exit from PKR, citing disillusionment with the party leadership, has given the Sarawak Barisan Nasional a much needed reprieve.
Grassroot PKR leaders here said Jeffrey’s decision had affected members’ faith in PKR and it could work against the opposition in the coming state polls.
“People were not overly upset when Zaid Ibrahim, bloggers RPK (Raja Petra Kamaruddin) and Haris (Ibrahim-lawyer) left.
“They were orang semenanjung … but Jeffrey is like a son. He has many friends here. They feel PKR has been unfair to him,” said a party source who declined to be named.

The source said that when Zaid left PKR over malpractice issues involving the party polls, people wondered about the allegations.
“With Zaid  we were only observers but with Jeffrey the issues are real and directly affect us. Jeffrey wants party leaders to be fair and just to Sabah and Sarawak.
“He’s looking for justice from the leadership and that has not been forthcoming…I think the leaders in KL have stopped listening,” said the source.
‘Stop the fibbing’
The view comes at the heel of  a tongue-lashing Chief Minister Taib Mahmud’s senior political secretary Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah gave Sarawak PKR chief Baru Bian for hoodwinking the people with ‘talks of justice and good governance.”
“How can Bian claim to fight for justice, good governance and transparency when his party does not practice these traits.
“You can’t just brush aside fundamental issues in PKR as petty matters and pretend that it won’t affect the people.
“If this is the attitude of its leaders, then I’m not surprised many (PKR members) are disillusioned and leaving the party in droves,” said Karim.
Karim was alluding to Bian’s weekend response to Jeffrey’s exit from PKR. Bian had said that voters were not concerned about PKR’s internal matters because they had ‘bread and butter issues’ such as land rights and clean water and electricty to deal with.
PKR and its coalition partners in Pakatan Rakyat have become a serious thorn in Sarawak BN’s side.
Once considered unshakeable, the ruling administration has in recent months openly admitted that the brazen opposition coalition could reduce its majority.
In a rare admission special advisor to Taib, Adenan Satem, recently said the opposition’s structured polls campaign could see several BN representatives losing their seats in the coming state elections.Source


  1. There is no point winning all seats and forming the next government if there is no real reform to benefit the people as the old saying goes "menang sorak kampung tergadai". Sabah with UMNO at the helm is a classic example. The local UMNO boys are merely the endorsing tool, ie "tidak setuju means tidak dilantik". This should be a warning to all national based parties....reform within your parties, make them autonomous too, or you are irrelevant to the REAL Malaysian politics.
