PBS invites Jeffrey to join BN

KOTA KINABALU: Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) has thrown open its doors to Jeffrey Kitingan and other former PKR members and leaders following their exit from PKR.
PBS secretary-general Henrynus Amin said the open invitation to the groups was aimed at strenghthening unity within the Kadazandusun Murut community.
PBS, which is a component party in the Sabah Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition, is led by Jeffrey’s older sibling, Jospeh Pairin Kitingan.
Henrynus said the party was not surprised by the developments in PKR, adding that the exit of top Kadazandusun and Murut leaders who were disheartened by the way they were treated by the KL- based opposition party “speaks for itself”.
“There is no need to add more as Jeffery’s departure from PKR with most of the Kadazandusun and Murut leaders has reinforced lingering suspicions that all is not well within the opposition camp.
He added that PBS expects more PKR Kadazandusun and Murut members and leaders to quit the opposition party.

Sabahans must unite
Henrynus said PBS political agenda of defending state rights and uniting the various indigenous communities as well as bringing development to the people was already part of the BN national agenda.
“But the people of Sabah must be united to achieve the desired state-federal relationship.
“The Kadazandusun and Murut agenda would not be achieved if the community as a whole continues to be disunited and fragmented.
“Let us be united and fight for the noble cause with one voice.
“I am aware that unity is about political processes that require constructive engagement, commitment and hard work from all Sabahans at all levels.
“I urge former PKR leaders and supporters to unite and consolidate under the BN through PBS,” Henrynus said.
He said PBS had no problem with the Borneo Agenda as long as it was within the bounds of the law.
He added that the BN under Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak was experiencing a rebirth with new and bold ideas such as the 1Malaysia concept and the New Economic Model.

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