Dr Jeffrey's quit letter

31 December 2010.

Ybg. Dato Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail,
Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR),
Kuala Lumpur.

Yang Berbahagia Datuk,

I wish to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very happy Christmas and new year 2011. May the New Year bring us the desired opportunity for change!

I also wish to thank you for the support and trust in appointing me as Vice President of the Party. But the time has come for me to say good bye after 4 years with the party. We have learned from the 47 years of our so called independence and our partnership with Sarawak and Malaya in the federation of Malaysia that we cannot trust others to defend our rights and to do things for us; the consequences of which is indicated in our political, economic and social condition today (i.e. we become the poorest State in Malaysia. We have also lost our special rights and privileges, our oil resources, our political autonomy and our pride). We have to take responsibility for ourselves and our future.

PKR's agenda is not our agenda; PKR's priority is not our priority. Anwar's obsession is to capture Putrajaya without listening to us and our Borneo Agenda. Therefore, after a deep soul searching I have decided to resign from PKR with immediate effect. My resignation from PKR does not mean that I do not support your ideals nor does it mean that we will become enemies. We can still work together to achieve the desired change for a better Malaysia. In fact it will be better for us to work together as partners and to complement each other to achieve our shared goal and mission for a just, democratic and progressive Malaysia.

Once again, thank you and happy new year!.

Yours truly,
Ketua Cabang Pensiangan

Cc Setiausaha Perhubungan Negeri

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