Ansari's proxy, 'ustaz" Pajudin Nordin of Tuaran is Sabah PKR new head

By Ezra Haganez
 Little-known Pajudin Nordin, 42, of Tuaran is Sabah PKR's new chief, replacing the heavily-criticised for under-performance Ahmad Thamrin Jaini.

The Arab-speaking Pajudin, who is fondly addressed as "ustaz" among his friends here, was announced to the post by PKR President Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail in Kuala Lumpur Sunday.
Pajudin, a trained teacher, graduated in "tahfiz wal qiraat" at Saudi Arabia's Maahad Syubro. He has held the posts of deputy principal imam of the state mosque in Kota Kinabalu as well as a deputy registrar at the Jabatan Hal-Ehwal Agama Islam Negeri Sabah (JHEAINS).  

Also announced Monday was the state PKR's new Woman Chief, Lukia Indan, the party former candidate for Kadamaian state constituency in Kota Belud in the 2008 general election. She replaced Shaukinah Yusof.
Pajudin was 'unveiled' at a press conference at the party liaison office in Bundusan Road, Penampang near here Monday. The conference was attended  by only three divisional heads, Ansari Abdullah of Tuaran and his strong allies, Hassnar Ebrahim of Batu Sapi, and Anthony Mandiau of Kota Marudu.

The rest in attendance were mostly from the Tuaran division.
In his maiden press conference as Sabah PKR Head, Pajudin thanked PKR leadership for having confidence in him, saying it was part of PKR's bigger plan to put young capable leadership helming the party's state liaison.

"I appeal to all divisional heads to leave behind them their differences. I pledge to work with all divisional heads. We uphold the constitution and we shall respect the decision of the president," he said adding everyone in PKR should work to topple the ruling Barisan Nasional.

Pajudin also introduced Lukia to the press today. The party however is yet to appoint its new Youth Head here. Pajudin was a deputy state youth head as well as national Youth Exco member before this. Former state youth head, Abdul Razak Jamil was not eligible for reappointment due to his age.

Pajudin is the first in Sabah to be appointed PKR state chief who is not from among the 25 divisional heads themselves as the norm had been, setting a new precedent in the reform-seeking party. He is expected to announce his full line-up including his secretary, treasurer and information chief in days time.

Lukia, said she would work out programmes for the wing as soon as she had formed her proper committee which she would do now.


  1. Aramai Tih Batu LembuJanuary 10, 2011 at 4:22 PM

    aNWAR DAH GILER ke? Lantik pajudin jadi ketuA PKR sabah !!

    On second thought, ya bagus jugaler pajudin jadi ketua sekurang-kurangnya dia masih urang hj ansari bedolah ye tak pakcik an-war??

  2. Boston Tea Party ManJanuary 11, 2011 at 7:58 AM

    Well well as always, an-war still wants what he wants in Sabah ...

    Power, control and power
