Sarawak governemnt - from bad to worse

To all my anak biak,

As your Penghulu, I wish to registered my great concerned with regard to the Ministry of Education decision to categorise our dayak and Orangulu as Keturunan: MELAYU/BUMIPUTERA. In fact I would not mind if its BUKAN MELAYU/BUMIPUTRA. Whatever is your political views, you should treat this matter as deadly serious. We all know the implications- if anyone of you think it ok, or its a coincidence, my friends you are deadly wrong. We must know that their spirit and teaching is to dominate, the means to achieve that objective is irrelevant, as long as it be achieved. ie. by hook or crook, by deceit or lies. Where are our YBs. DS Idris?, Jacob, Lihan, Balang, Mawan, Masing, etc. Where are the Persatuan...FORUM led by Lihan Jok, Kenyah, Saban, Kayan, Berawan, Kelabit...Mr. Dick of Rurum???etc. Our very identity and existence as a race as a unique group of people are at stake here. I noticed with great sadness that those of you in the BN side are only interested to be politically correct. Your balls shrunk when it come to defending your community rights. To all our BN Ybs, I wish to remind you that if you do not make a stand this time, like how you hide yourself in your own closet with regard to the Allah issue, just because its not comfortable to raise the issues to your political Masters, and that you may not be reappointed or renominated, you are going to lost a lot of votes, because I as your penghulu, I have no choice but to direct all my anak biak to vote you out. Hmmm...whether you like it or not, or whether you are a BN supporter, all of us must salute Mr. Baru Bian on this issue. He is the only one so far who dare to make a public stand on this matter. Congratulations to Mr. Baru Bian. Keep it up. And for those who are on the BN side, where are you. It should be easier for you to highlight the issue, as you are supposed to do it within the "BN family" or are you only interested in safe guarding your position that you have become so lame, and had become the lowest class of balls polishers. Come on people, wake up!!!


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