It’s BN who will do anything to retain power

By Daniel John Jambun 
Kota Kinabalu, SABAH: During the recent Barisan Nasional Convention, Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said that the leadership of the opposition parties are actually struggling to achieve certain objectives to gain power and are bound to resolving their personal problems to the extent that they are prepared to deceive the people, and that the people and leaders of Barisan Nasional must be wary because the opposition leaders were prepared to do anything to achieve their objectives including tarnishing Malaysia's image abroad. "Beware everyone, they are very dangerous. I want to point out here, they are anti-national. We must go all out and ensure that this country is not destroyed by their evil activities," he said.
Of course this is yet another attempt by the BN to demonise the opposition, with no hesitation with the use of the words “dangerous”, “anti-national”, “destroyed”, “evil activities” and so on. It made me think how uncivilised our political system must be because BN leaders can call the opposition leaders with demonic words, to make us feel threatened and frightened. It also made me think about myself being in the opposition and feeling my intelligence deeply insulted, as if I didn’t know better. What is the point of Malaysians being educated in the 25 universities and even more colleges if our leaders keep talking as if we are just village yokels who are expected to believe every blatant lies the leaders are telling us? When are out leaders ever going to understand that Malaysians are now globalised world citizens. When the PM is in the mood for asking us to go “glocal” he treats us as if we are at par with the Americans, but come the political functions, the oppositions are an evil lot and the people a bunch of idiots. So where is the “Malaysia Boleh” slogan, the principles of “hadari”, what about turning Malaysia into an education hub, and what about the call for us to go and conquer the world? I can imagine what kind of outrage the public would have if Obama had said what Najib said: “"Beware fellow Americans, the Republicans are very dangerous. I want to point out here, they are anti-national! We must go all out and ensure that this country is not destroyed by their evil activities!" Get my drift? I am certain, even Democrats would be screaming abuses at Obama. But in Malaysia, no, we are supposed to tolerate it, just accept it as a political game, and believe the oppositions to be followers of the Devil himself!
But come to think of it, who is worse in being willing to do anything for power? Who are really those destroying the nation for their own selfish ends? Who are those tripling the costs of projects awarded through negotiated tenders behind closed doors, and so sucking the nation of its resources? Who are those willing to manipulate the laws and twist the arms of the judiciary to let criminals go scot-free and putting the country to shame in the international community? If an opposition leaders goes overseas to talk about these evils done by those in power, is that an act of treason or is that an act of trying to save the country? Actually those embarrassed by the revelations of the opposition is not the country but the corrupted and evil leaders! But of course there is no ways they are going to admit that. They will simply accuse the whistleblowers for national sabotage.
And who are those who have been putting the security of the nation at risk by allowing in foreigners from neighbouring countries to become Bumiputeras overnight? Who are those willing to deceive the people, perpetrators of evil who do now think twice to carry out a most devilish “Projek IC” to almost triple the population of Sabah in a matter of a few years – all for the sake of retaining power? Yes, I ask, who are those evildoers destroying the country with their evil activities, and willing to do anything to retain power? What will BN do in the next general elections to make sure it is not toppled by the opposition? I rest my case.

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