I Kings 8:24 A miracle Blessing is coming for you !

I Kings 8:24

A blessing is coming to
you in the form of a new job or financial break through.   Don't ask questions just forward to loved ones and trust God!   I did.

Psalm  46:10    

'Be  Still  and   Know  that  I  AM  GOD'  
Please  don't break this even if you only send it to one  person. Look at the
Date when  this was started.




I  am not going to be the one who lets it  die.   I found it believable  -

Angels  have  walked   beside  me  all  my  life - and  they  still   do.  


This  is to all of you who   mean  something  to  me;   I  pray  for   your  


The  Candle Of Love, Hope &   Friendship    

15th  of September, 1998.

Someone who  loves you, has helped keep it alive by sending it  to you.
Don't  let The Candle of Love, Hope and Friendship die!   Pass It On
To  All Your Friends and Everyone You Love!    May God richly bless  

You  as you keep this candle burning.   I  received this today for the 1st  

Time  and I hope it comes back someday again.  

Please keep this candle  alive..............
Don't  walk  in front of me, I may not  follow.
Don't  walk behind me,  I   may not  lead;  Just   walk  beside  me   and  be  my  friend !


God bless you as you pass on this message of hope to five others. Bishop TD Jakes

My prayer for you today

Very, Very, soon and I say Very, Very, Very soon, GOD is going to do a miracle and lift u up 4 GOOD.

Here is a test: if you love God and you're not ashamed of Him, send this to love ones and watch what He does for you tonight.

All of us can give friendship to those who need it; loyalty to those who depend upon us; courtesy to all those with whom we come in contact; kindness to those whose paths may cross ours; understanding to those whose views may not be exactly in accord with our opinions.

God Bless All of us

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