For once Salleh shares common ground with Dompok, dismissing "ketuanan Melayu"

By Razlan Danial
KOTA BELUD: Seldom does it happen for UMNO's Salleh Said to share a common ground with UPKO's Bernard Giluk Dompok, especially on "sensitive" issue.

But today both the ex-chief ministers of Sabah agreed to each other on one issue, "sensitive" or otherwise, dismissing "ketuanan Melayu" from political landscape, at least in Sabah.

When approached by FMT on his take on Dompok's outburst against "ketuanan Melayu", Salleh agreed: "Ketuanan Melayu does not arise in Sabah. Sabahan politicians do not subscribe to politics of domination by race".

The UPKO President, had at UPKO's Convention in Penampang yesterday, lambasted at the "ketuanan Melayu" being propogated by certain parties in Sabah. It hit the frontpage headlines of local newspapers here today.

Salleh who is Sabah UMNO liaison deputy chief, in his text message from Penang said, he agreed with Dompok's contention that 'ketuanan Melayu' should not be the way in diverse Sabah.

"We have more than 30 ethnic groups. We may have political differences but we all reject any attempt to propogate politics of racial superiority," said Salleh who is also president of USBO, the Bajau-Sama society.

"This kind of politics will disunite the people," he further said of the mentality of certain Malay leaders who want to bulldoze the "ketuanan Melayu" concept. 

Foremost in promoting the political mentality are UMNO and PERKASA, and NGO headed by a virulant Ibrahim Ali.

Will Salleh's comment stir others to come to the defense of "ketuanan Melayu"? What is cooking here?

Only weeks ago, Salleh had a very open argument with UPKO's Secretary-General, Madius Tangau, on certain issues affecting Sabah.


  1. Salleh is only echoing the sentiment of the non-muslims in Sabah for his political expediency. He never means even a tiny dot of it. Remember more than half of voters in Kota Belud (his political base) are non-muslim KDMs!

  2. Ya butul tu eye-opned.. tu urang nda buli dipicaya tu..penipu tu, bebal punya urang tu

  3. Ya. Salleh itu sama juga dengan bossnya, Najib. Di hadapan pendengar-pendengar bukan-muslim, mereka berteriak "1 Malaysia" (iaitu satu slogan yang berkonsepkan bahawa rakyat adalah sama rata, tiada tuan tiada kuli). Tapi di hadapan pendengar-pendengar muslim/melayu pula, mereka berteriak (sampai landuk pun terkeluar!) "Ketuanan Melayu" (iaitu satu slogan yang berkonsepkan bahawa kuasa politik negara ini harus di tangan orang melayu kerana mereka adalah 'orang asal' bumi ini & mereka adalah 'Tuan' mengganti orang putih british dulu). Muyedin sendiri mengaku dia misti orang Melayu dulu, baru jadi orang Malaysia kemudian. Tidakkah slogan-slogan ini bercanggah? Mana satu slogan yang kita boleh percayai?

  4. Political mileage, that's all everbody wants. Semua main wayang to prepare for next election. Once your votes are in the bag, they'll show their true colour... until the next election draws near.
