Suggested PR election manifesto

The next election is supposed to be very near and the ruling party has asked its allies to get its election machinery ready.
In that spirit here are my suggestions/recommendations of what I wish to see PR election manifesto to be:

1. Abolish all laws that allows detention without trial, i.e. ISA, Emergency Ordinance, Dangerous Drugs Act.

2. Amend the constitution to legislate that any law that allows for detention without trail must be passed unanimously in Parliament.
3. Make it mandatory for all political parties to follow the one member one vote principle and not via the delegate system.

4. Abolish at once the National Service programme and the Biro Tata Negara.

5. All toll collections to be abolished once investments and running costs are recouped, after that, the cost to be recovered via road tax.

6. Implement the Freedom of Information Act. Sensitive information to be brought up for a judge to decide if divulging the information will be against the national interest.

7. Legislate into the constitution that ruling and opposing lawmakers - MPs and state assemblypeople, get the same incentives and allocations.

8. Abolish the Sedition Act and replace it with very a specific act that deals with treason against the king and nation. Criticising the government is not treason.

9. Abolish the Printing and Publication Act and replace with a Media council made up of all parties, who will hear complaints against press freedom abuse, as well as character assassination in the guise of press freedom.

10. ISA to be replaced with specific laws aims at terrorism, even then, no detention without trail but suspect held for say, only 14 days before being charged in closed/open court.

11. Ensure implementation of the 30 percent bumiputera equity be open to all bumiputera nationwide and not a select few.

12. Scholarships to be open to all under the no discrimination clause in the constitution, subject to the 30 percent requirement for bumiputera and to be means tested - only those who are in need to receive scholarships.

13. Open tender for all contracts and winners to be published in government website.

14. Police to have a civilian oversight whereby all shootings and deaths in custody triggers and immediate inquiry/coroner inquiry to determine justification.

15. Police to follow strictly General Orders when apprehending suspects and allowing lawyers and family to visit arrested suspects.

16. Enforcement personnel who abuse the law, or not adhere to the law when enforcing, should be held personally liable and not hide behind the government veil.

17. All contentious and high profile court cases in the last 10 years and verdicts to be examined by fully professional all-party lawyers/judges/layperson, both local and foreign.

18. A comprehensive review of all government ministries/agencies/department to be undertaken and all overlapping oversights and responsibilities to be merged or abolished. The principle of only one body responsible for one service/oversight must be maintained. Any new government body or company should get Parliament approval before being formed.

19. No serving civil servants or uniformed officers should receive honours until they have retired.

20. The ratio of operating/development expenses of national budgets be slowly increased in favour of development and salary cost of government be capped at 40 percent.
21. A through examination of all salary/bonus/EPF/pension/special incentive/postgraduate studies facilities be undertaken on all GLCs and other government owned corporations such as Prokhas, Ekuinax, Silterra, ValueCap , Khazanah, and MAFC to name a few.

22. Slowly disengage government companies from business and only allow PNB or Tabung Haji to hold companies involved in business. All other government involvement in business must be indirectly through its investment arm or trustees.

23. Adopt United Nation standards on ratio of city dwellers per square mile.

24. Adopt the universal declaration of human rights.

25. Allow for free competition on all business sectors subject to 30 percent bumiputera participation and abolish the multiple licensing requirements and allow SSM registration to be the sole registration needed.

26. Allow for speedier processing of basic citizen rights such as maids and import of vehicles.

28. Stop the harassment of NGOs working for the betterment of society in large.

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