Send someone to Parliament who can help Najib and Musa solve Sabah problems

By Ezra Haganez
PKR former state liaison secretary, Kanul Gindol, has called on the voters in Batu Sapi not to cast their votes for a proxy of PKR supremo Datuk Anwar Ibrahim, saying it is just a waste of time, and will not strategically help promote the right "halatuju" of the state, vis-a-vis federal attention.

Kanul, who is partyless since he ditched PKR in 2008 general election, said voters in Batu Sapi must also take into account a fact that there is nothing that Anwar or his proxy can do that the Prime Minister Datuk Najib Razak or the Chief Minister Datuk Musa Aman cannot do for Sandakan and Sabah.

"I have just returned from a three-day observation trip in Batu Sapi and found out that the people in Sandakan in general indeed wanted to be heard by their assemblymen, the prime minister, and the chief minister.

"All they wanted was for the ruling party to hear them and help solve their problems or needs. What is wanted is for the power that be to listen more to the needs of the grassroots. Arrogance is the last thing they wanted," he said in statement here today.

Kanul, who now heads his own NGO, Gindol Initiative for Civil Society Borneo and is a secretary of CigMa or Common Interest Group Malaysia,   said a leader who had a track record of listening to and speaking for the people should be sent to Parliament to help Najib and Musa hear more from Batu Sapi and thus fulfill the folks' needs there.

"Once problems started to be solved and needs fulfilled, i think the Batu Sapi voters will be grateful to their new MP and likewise Najib and Musa have less headaches to handle...

"Tomorrow result will attract studies on the trend the Sabah Chinese and Muslim voters, and the old and young voters take, which eventually will be useful for relevant parties in the coming general elections.


  1. Lama tak dengar kou gundohing Kanul. Ngamlah kou sakap tu tapi mcm kabur-kabur mana satu kou sukung yang sebanar.. SAPP lah bah kan. kih kih

  2. Adih tempinai kanul besuara juga kau ah..

    Amasam calon BN-PBS kita di Batu Sapi, sakap malayu pun bingkang-bingkuk? Nanti tebingkuk itu badan sapi dia. kihkihkih

    Akan katapi, YTL kalau sudah di Parlimen nah abislah diaurang malaya dan suku sakat tali barutnya di Sabah ini...
