Operasi Lallang II ? Kamunting Camp renovated to accommodate more detainees...!

If there was a common thread in the speeches made by Umno leaders during the just concluded Umno General Assembly, it must have been the hysterical repetition of 'defending Putrajaya' at all 'COSTS'! BN/Umno appears to be on panic mode as public confidence on the Regime is eroding by the day.

PM Najib Razak will certainly call for a snap General Election within the next 6 months as the longer he waits, the more the support for BN/Umno will erode. The only way Najib can Neutralize Pakatan Rakyat and hence keep Putrajaya in the hands of BN/Umno is to do what his father, former PM Tun Razak did by wiping away Opposition gains in the 1969 GE by declaring a State of Emergency and suspend Parliament at the aftermath of the May 13 Tragedy in which the Opposition was blamed. When the dusts was settled, the Opposition saw itself losing power and Alliance / BN was able to get back to the status quo. It appears that PM Najib may just follow what his daddy did in 1969.

All Najib needs to do is to get the clowns from PERKASA to clash with Makkal Sakti Party or MCA so that he can declare Emergency and blame it all on Pakatan Rakyat, Bloggers, Social Activists, the Bar Council, Academicians, Journalists and Religious leaders. The Scribe has been reliably informed that the Kamunting ISA Detention Camp has been massively renovated that it will be able to hold thousands of detainees. So, hold your breath folks, Operasi Lallang II is just round the corner. This is the only way the BN/Umno Regime of Najib Razak will be able to hold on to power.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm.. we can only preempt.. the sign is there, so beware...
