Of Zaid, Anwar and Politics...

COMMENTS : It's not necessary that we must win when we stand for elections. It's a bit like Air Asia offering zero airfare or America buying even more from China while complaining about the yuan.
If u want to win, u must take a certain stand. Zaid did not do that because it's not a win that was important to him. It's petty to think in terms of winning all the time. U can even win by losing.

Those who are wrapped up in their own personal success will not bother about the larger concerns of the people and make poor leaders as they will not be able to inspire others.

Zaid needed the platform to highlight certain issues. I think that he has done that very brilliantly although initially many people thought that he was talking nonsense. Having done so, he pulled out from the race at the right moment to drive home the points that he has been making. Zaid is right. PKR should look beyond Anwar.
Not many people will subscribe to a party which revolves around one person. We need a system. Anwar is not a system. Just a person who is here today and will be gone tomorrow. Zaid represents a fundamental ideological struggle and shift in PKR. The party has to decide whether it wants to move on or be considered another version of Umno. This seems to be the case under Anwar. U can take Anwar out of Umno but u cannot take the Umno out of Anwar.

I am no fan of Zaid and I hope that he will not join any 3 rd Force movement led by Dr J. He should stick to PKR unless he's sacked. Then he should move to Pas or Dap or better still go back to Umno. He can best help the opposition there. I am not sure that Zaid has stopped subscribing to the discredited ketuanan Melayu ideology. That’s why there’s no place for him in any Borneo-based national 3 rd Force movement.  

My beef with Zaid is that he doesn't keep his doors open, doesn't give a hearing to all and doesn't keep the lines of communication open. In that sense, he's no different from Anwar about whom he complains a lot.

Zaid should not go off on a solo mission for change and reform. He should turn around now and then and see whether the people are following him or are far behind. No politics will be successful unless the people are brought into the picture. Politicians who like to do things in great secret, fearing their rivals, foes and enemies, will always fail.

Zaid says that he will remain in PKR. He has already decided what role he's going to play. He has not put a label on this role but we can guess. He can't play the glue role since that's being done by Anwar, according to Wan Azizah. During the campaign for the deputy presidency, Zaid said he would like to be the glue that binds PKR and PR. That must have pissed off Anwar no end.

It would be a mistake to conclude that PKR is in trouble just because many leaders and members are against Anwar and Azmin. This is a process of democratising the party which continues to have as much support as before if not more.

Even if some elements within PKR break away -- read Dr J, Sabah, Sarawak, Hindraf Makkal Sakthi, the Orang Asli and other marginalised groups like the Christians in Peninsular Malaysia -- they will still support PR either from within or without. These elements will only use Umno/BN to clobber PR for the better.

Umno and Taib must not think that their days are now not numbered. They should stop gloating too soon. The desire for change and reform is too great in M'sia to be held to ransom by the on-going upheaval in PKR.

Without PR, Umno and Taib might be tempted to think that there's no need to make changes for the better and that it can be business as usual i.e. raiding the treasury of the people's sweat while twisting and turning every issue in Malaysia into a racial issue -- to scare the Malays into circling the wagons and gathering under one political platform to better enable absolute power and abuse of power  -- to cover up the thievery.

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