Nazri orders Jakim to probe Sarawak native's creed? Does he know what he is doing ?

Malayan Idiot Playing Role of GOD
"The government has asked the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) to investigate the religious status of Beginda Anak Minda, also known as Noor Azman Abdullah," said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz. He said only after this was done, could investigations proceed into the caning of his son in a school in Kuching for bringing fried rice with pork sausages into the school’s premises. " -The Malaysian Insider

By Anonymous
Kuching, SARAWAK: Firstly, I've no intention whatsoever to stir up further the current 'temperature'.  But, I would like to raise issues from the legal point of view.  Remember the phrase in 18/20 point of Malaysia Agreement goes something like this 'there is no official religion in Sarawak' which we safely categorise it as secular state.  Hence, Jakim has no right to investige Mr Beginda's religious status since Beginda is Sarawakian.
If there is any attempt to lawfully investigate Mr. Beginda, only State Islamic Affairs Council for Sarawak has the jurisdiction to do so.  If Jakim dares to tickle Mr. Beginda even a muscle in Sarawak,  that would be constitutionally deemed as an act against the Agong aka the highest level of treachery.  Yang Di-Pertuan Agong is the Head of Islam in four states ruled without Sultans namely Penang, Malacca , Sabah and Sarawak;  3 Federal territories, Labuan, Putrajaya and KL as well as in his own state, Terengganu. In this role, he is advised by the State Islamic Affairs Council in each of the States. (for futher clarification refer duties of Yang Di-Pertuan Agong in the Federal Constitution)!
If the Federal government, through Jakim, wants to try to assert its power over religion in Sarawak, it MUST file a motion of emergency in Parliament. (refer Kalong Ningkan case). 
To interfere without such legal procedure is considered a serious and unprecendented BREACH of the Malaysia Agreement and that would possibly lead to the said Agreement being null and void.  To add insult to injury to Malaysia's own legality and dignity, as a consequence, Sarawak would cease to exist as part of  Malaysia!
That's my two cents take of the whole thing, anyway. short and simple and based on the FACTS of the LAW!

1 comment:

  1. Of all countries, Malaysia is the sickest and weakest in so-called trying to protecting Islam..

    What a pathetic country!
