A letter forwarded by Conrad Mojuntin to us...

Dear Mr. Conrad Mojuntin,

60 Catholics were brutally murdered while attending Mass in a Catholic Church in Bagdad, Iraq. They are glorious martyrs.

But 400,000 Catholics remain and are being persecuted for the faith. And we’re being asked to pray the Rosary to help them.

See this impassioned email I received from an Iraqi Catholic:

"I need help. I am Chaldean. We are Catholics from IRAQ who are persecuted for our faith". As you may have heard, the Muslim extremists bombed a Church in Baghdad, killing 2 priests and 58 believers.

"Is there anyway we can set up a rosary rally for Chaldeans? So all can join in? We need help. Please, I am begging you. I am begging you."

So please pray the Rosary on November 23rd for persecuted Catholics in Iraq. And tell everyone you know to please join in.

Spread this Rosary to your friends

On November 23rd, there will be a special Rosary Rally at the Mother of God Church in Southfield, Michigan. Please spread the word about this special Rosary to everyone you know.
  Robert E. Ritchie
  Robert E. Ritchie
America Needs Fatima
P.S. -- Please remember: the Rosary saved Austria from Russian Communists. It can save Catholics in Iraq too. There used to be 1.5 million Catholics in Iraq, but only 400,000 remain. They urgently need our prayers!

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