International Day

Make sure you scroll all the way down and read what is written.
(Pastikan anda teliti hingga kebawah dan baca apa yg tertulis)


Today is International Disturbed People's Day 
 (Hari ini ia lah 'Hari Org yg diKecewakan, Hari Org yg Tersinggung atau Hari Terkilan Antarabangsa)

I don't care if you lick windows,
(Tak kisah jika anda ta buat yg senonoh)
take the special bus
(tumpang Bus yg istimewa)
or occasionally pee on yourself.
(atau anda tersilap)

You hang in there sunshine, you're special
(Tabahkan lah dan bertahan lah wahai Matahari ku, anda sungguh

Every sixty seconds you spend angry, upset or mad,
is a full minute of happiness you'll never get back.
(Setiap 60 saat anda marah atau kecewa, adalah 1 MINIT kegembiraan/keceriahan yg ta mungkin anda dapat kembali) 

Today's Message of the Day is:
(Pesanan/msg hari ini ialah):

Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.
('Hidup amat singkat, sekali-sekala jangan terlalau ikut peraturan dan maafkan/ampunkan dgn seberapa segara, perlahan merasai, Kasihi dgn sejati, Tertawalah sepenuhnya, dan sama-sekali usah sesali apa yg buat anda tersenyum!)  

Life may not to be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance!
(Hidup ini mungkin bukan yg kita impikan, tetapi selagi kita boleh, berdansalah)!! 

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