Foreward by N. Ganesan on “NOV 25 Hindraf Rally 2007” book by P. Uthayakumar

As political landscapes move they are always preceded by a change in the political discourse driving them. Old ways of looking at society and how it gets summed up into its politics have great inertia. These are entrenched into society by the power elite, who are the beneficiaries of the old system. Even as the old politics loses it moral basis, these forces of conservatism work to maintain status quo. These conservative forces keep trying harder and harder to maintain the status quo as the situation gets increasingly pregnant with the need for the new. New participants armed with ubiquity of information, new devices of communication, a new sense of the past and a new morality unleash great forces for change.

The new morality is sensed at the fringes, and against great resistance, work their way in to the centre. The story of that Great March to the centre is told here in first person narrative by Uthayakumar in the events leading up to the Grand Hindraf Rally of the 25th of November 2007. Even as this story is being told another unfolds within it. This story within the story is of how, issues that were considered taboos and sensitive for public discourse were breached, and how new ground was broken in the national discourse since.

The story when told and heard in these flesh and blood terms interspersed with intense discussion of the taboo and “sensitive” issues is a great contribution to the change in the political discourse. The events in the buildup to the Grand Hindraf Rally and the changing paradigm of new possibilities, how it formed, developed, spread to the extent of a hundred thousand people pouring out on the streets on the historic day the 25th of Nov 2007, between the Petronas Twin Towers is narrated here in a gripping fashion.

One of the main “taboo or sensitive” issues which Uthayakumar precipitates in the course of the narrative is UMNO’s Malay Muslim racist and supremacist policies and how this was achieved through the numerous and blatant violations of the Malaysian Federal Constitution and the laws of the country. In the process he differentiates between UMNO the political party and the Malays the ethnic group, and that one does not automatically equal the other. These racist and supremacist policies are all developed and implemented by a significant mafia like UMNOPutra group in the Civil

Service, the Police, the Economic Planning Unit, Implementation and Co ordination Unit ,the Attorney General’s chambers, Judiciary, the Media and the Biro Tata Negara, just to name a few.

The other significant “sensitive” issue breached is that UMNO is the main culprit and the root cause of the problems of the Indian poor and not the MIC.

MIC was just a conniving partner in UMNO’s grand game of deceit. UMNO’s design was just to have an impotent MIC Mandore for a partner party and not one that truly represented the interests of the Indian poor. To make matters worse he also lays out in so many instances how the Indian poor had been completely abandoned including, by the Indian elite in a poverty trap unique to the Indians, far worse than the poverty that the other ethnic groups find themselves in. This also relates to the neo-colonialist conditioning of the so called multi-racial Indians who do not identify themselves with the problems of the Indian poor.

The other clear issue that Uthayakumar brings to the fore repeatedly is the

race based hypocrisy within and across the whole spectrum of Malaysian

politics where Human Rights and Justice is race based. In this he includes,

along with UMNO, all the opposition parties, civil societies and NGOs.

Uthayakumar has articulated these issues in an intense and forthright manner.

In doing so, he has certainly made an invaluable contribution to extending

the boundaries of the political discourse in the country.

What is very clear in Uthayakumar’s narrative is how he, Waytha Moorthy and Hindraf transitioned from the individual issues to the general issues of marginalization of the Indian poor as the realization of the root cause dawned on them. In the process they took on the might of entire UMNO and the government machinery at great personal risk and against general counsel of caution. The way the Indians in the country responded to their call for the rally in the end justified the risks they had personally taken. In addition this tsunami of a response does tell two things. One is that there is a deep seated seething anger and accumulated frustration within the Indian community, accumulated over a half century of abuse that found expression in this rally.

The second is the profound understanding that Uthayakumar and Waytha Moorthy had for the Indian problem to be able to sense out and create this human wave of tsunami proportions, something never before seen or heard of in Malaysia.

Even as new ground is broken in the discourse, it has resulted in a significant backlash from the power elite. Uthayakumar’s incarceration and Waytha Moorthy’s exile are just two instances of that backlash. Subsequent harassment and demonizing of Hindraf, swarming the people through the mainstream media with images of an extremist Hindraf , the outlawing of Hindraf, infiltrating the leadership with a Police plant and the bribing and seducing of the interim leader are some of the significant other responses to the threat the power elite perceived from Hindraf. This narrative helps

to clarify and to counter the many lies and negative perceptions that have been repeated by the mainstream media to “manufacture consent” for this unwarranted assault on Hindraf, Uthayakumar and Waytha Moorthy by the UMNO Government.

For their part Uthayakumar and Waytha Moorthy provided true leadership and ingenuity and made courageous decisions as events unfolded. They continue to demonstrate this courage and ingenuity today as they are the two leaders remaining, undeterred in spirit, in pursuit of the original Hindraf objectives. Three of the other lawyers incarcerated along with Uthayakumar, have gone back to their practice and a more normal life, who prior to their detention, anyway only played supportive roles rather than central roles. The Police Special Branch plant in the group, has now openly turned against the cause. The interim leader of Hindraf during Uthayakumar’s detention has been turned over by UMNO and has become a traitorous renegade. But

Uthayakumar and Waytha Moorthy keep pressing on in new-found structure and energy and keep growing in strength and in stature.

As a reader, I ask you to make a judgment for yourself. If you can accept Uthayakumar’s articulation of the causes for the Indian marginalization problem, then think why is the UMNO government so bent on destroying Hindraf, Uthayakumar and Waytha Moorthy? Is it because they are “biadap” or “kecoh” or “extremists” or selfish trouble makers? Or is it because they talk too much of the truth and that is not desirable to UMNO’s gravy train? You decide.

A basic axiom of life is that “The truth always prevails”. Whether we accept that the Sun is the centre of our Universe or not, the truth is the truth, it is objective, it will prevail. Likewise, even if the powers that be do not recognize their historical contribution to the Indian marginalization problem, the truth is the truth and it will prevail. Uthayakumar, Waytha Moorthy, HRP and Hindraf have taken upon themselves just to hasten that process.

It is only a matter of time.


18th Oct 2010

Remembering the revolution of Hindraf
November 26, 2010 // s.jayathas // News, People power Indians/Hindraf

From P Waytha Moorthy, via e-mail

The memorable event of Nov 25, 2007 when Malaysian Indians stood united as one against all odds to hand over a petition to Her Majesty, the Queen of Great Britain still remains fresh in my mind.

This was the day Malaysian Indians overcame their fear and felt pride and dignity for a cause that merited attention for the oppression unfairly and unjustly imposed upon them by the ruling government, Umno and its alliances.

Even though the government foiled our attempt to hand over the petition, I can assure our genuine supporters that we are still on track to achieve our goal in obtaining redress for the grievances of Malaysian Indians in the British court.

The initial period after the Nov 25, 2007 was spent in international lobbies for the release of the prisoners of conscience, which eventually took place on May 9, 2009.

Since then, I have been working vigorously to obtain the necessary legal recourse for Malaysian Indians by discussing with several top human rights solicitors and Queens Counsels (QC) in assisting us to pursue the suit.

On July 5, 2010, a conference was held with leading human rights QCs and solicitors and based on the evidences produced, they have prima facie agreed to take up the matter subject to certain conditions.

At the current moment I’m not in a position to reveal those who are involved in this suit for reasons I will explain at a later date.

I can assure Malaysian Indians that I will stay focused and pursue this civil action in Britain for their betterment to the best of my ability and capability.

On this day of remembrance of our third year of neo democratic revolution for the voiceless, I personally would like to thank those who braved themselves on that day despite all the odds, all those who sacrificed themselves for the sake of the future generation of the Malaysian Indians, all those arrested and all those who suffered injuries and shed blood on that day.

I also call upon the government to publicly apologise to us and to the world for linking us with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), an allegation which was malicious and thus far unproven.

Besides what is being pursued in Britain, we the Malaysian Indians need to prepare for the next general election and direct the future for Malaysian Indians.
As you would have realised, Umno hoodwinked us since independence. We took a stand in GE12 and made the swing for Pakatan and it was the same in their four states.

It seems pretty obvious that the conduct of these political parties is nothing but shameful, fishing for free votes for their own needs. They never sought to resolve issues facing Malaysian Indians on a permanent basis.

I wish well for all and pray that Hindraf Makkal Sakthi will continue to pursue human rights violations of the suppressed and oppressed Malaysian Indians.
The writer is the Hindraf chairman, presently based in London.

VIDEO: Commemorate 25th Nov HINDRAF Rally
November 26, 2010 // s.jayathas // HRP TV, People power Indians/Hindraf

November 25, 2010

KUALA LUMPUR: About 30 supporters of the Hindraf Makkal Sakthi movement gathered at the main entrance of the Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) this morning to commemorate the third anniversary of the historic Hindraf mass demonstration on Nov 25, 2007.

The crowd consisting of men, women and children arrived at 9.30am, claiming to have fasted since 9pm yesterday. They kicked off the peaceful "demonstration" with a prayer, and sat on a ramp in front of the world-acclaimed Petronas Twin Towers to start their hunger strike.

"We are here to remind the Prime Minister (Najib Tun Razak) of our 18-point demand," said Hindraf Makkal Sakthi national information coordinator S Jayathas, the leader of the pack, at a press conference at the sideline of the protest.

Among the demands is the call on the government to end 50 years of abuse of the federal constitution and put in place affirmative action programmes to assist all poor Malaysians, especially Indians.

The Hindraf leader claimed that the Umno-led government had implemented discriminative policies which had led to the marginalisation of the Indian community in many sectors, including education and jobs at government agencies.

"During independence, some 28% of Indians were studying at universities. Now we have less than one percent studying at universities.

"As for the government service, we used to have Indians in top positions like directors-general. Now we can’t even see an Indian post master," claimed Jayathas.

He also said Indian youths were now turning to the world of crime because they had been denied educational and job opportunities.

"Instead of tackling the root cause of the problem, the authorities just take the easy way out by arresting the youths involved in crime under the Emergency Ordinance. If the government can spend millions to rehabilitate Mat Rempits, why not the Indian youths?" Jayathas asked.

When asked why they started fasting since 9pm yesterday, he said it was to commemorate their 18-point demand.

"We are fasting till 3pm today, which means 18 hours of fasting based on our 18 points," he added.

He said that the organisation welcomed any dialogue with Najib and that it was important for both parties to iron out the matter for the benefit of the Indian community.

"We are also the nation’s children. If left unattended, there might be another tsunami," he said, referring to the massive Hindraf rally in 2007 that saw thousands marching from KLCC to the British Embassy to hand over a memorandum.

The group has not been asked by the police to disperse although the men in blue are closely monitoring the situation.

‘We’re on our own’

Meanwhile, speaking to reporters before ending the 18-hour hunger strike at 3pm, Hindraf Makkal Sakthi leader P Uthayakumar said the movement would be launching a book entitled ‘November 25th 2007 Hindraf’.
"The book will deliberate on the Hindraf 2007 rally, ‘Ops Padam’ which was launched by the special branch to break us and our plan to contest in 15 parliamentary seats and 38 state seats,"said the lawyer-turned-activist.
He said the Malaysian Indian community needed political strength to address the discrimination suffered by them.
He said both sides of the political divide were ignoring the community as they are a minority in the nation.
"About 90% of the population consists of the bumiputeras and Chinese.That is why BN and Pakatan Rakyat are not concerned about us. Even in KLCC, not even 0.1 percent of the shops are run by Indians.We are on our own.
The group dispersed peacefully at about 3.15pm after breaking fast by consuming milk.
The movement also handed over their 18-point memorandum to the Prime Minister’s Office this morning, giving the memorandum – and receiving an acknowledgment stamp – to one of PM’s aides.
In contrary to previous Hindraf events and protests, the hunger strike today proceeded without any interference from the police. Likewise, Uthayakumar and his delegation were ushered into the PM’s office to submit their memorandum.
In last year’s event, Hindraf hunger-strikers were asked to leave the KLCC premises. They were also dispersed by the police for alleged illegal gathering and their memorandum to the PM was not received by anyone.

Watch video here:

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