Dr Jeffrey weighing his options, likely to ditch an Anwar-Azmin led-PKR

By Ezra Haganez
Kota Kinabalu, SABAH:
Outgoing PKR Vice President, Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, while reiterating he is still with the Party, said right now he and his group feel at a loss ever since Zaid Ibrahim has quit the party.

"We supported Zaid because he is a man of principle, and he supported the aspirations of Sabah and Sarawak.

"We wanted leaders at the apex of PKR who understand the need and aspirations of Sabah and Sarawak but he (Zaid) has quit now. We are at a loss," said maverick Jeffrey at his press conference in Kota Kinabalu today.

According to Jeffrey, unlike Zaid, it is unknown and unheard of if any of the other PKR top central leaders who "really" respect Sabah and Sarawak's rights as equal partners in the Federation of Malaysia.

This statement indicated the man's assessment of PKR supremo Anwar Ibrahim himself, who many have wronged for what had been going on in the Party for the past few months.

Analysts here have been talking about it is only a matter of timing before Jeffrey decides to ditch Anwar-Azmin led-PKR for a better option. The question is what are Jeffrey's options?      

Jeffrey on a soul-searching again..
Asked if he would remain in PKR, today Jeffrey said he is still with PKR but hastened to add that he is still on a two-month leave and he is using the time to evaluate his options.

"You may ask me that again when i come back from my leave next year. You may say i am on a soul-searching right now..." he further said.

He elaborated that : "My friends and i want to see Sabah's problems like the prevalent poverty, the huge presence of illegal immigrants, and state rights not being upheld, resolved. And we don't care who can do this whether BN or PR as long it is solved."

"We want to be where we (Sabah and Sarawak) were prior to the formation of Malaysia (in 1963) where we were supposed to be equal partners.

"We can work together... We want the present leaders to be more determinedly and assertive in pursuing the aspirations of Sabah and Sarawak. I don't really care who does... can be BN or PR," he explained, indicating his willingness to work with either BN or PR to solve Sabah problems.

Sabah is now known as the second poorest state after Kelantan, among the 13 states of Malaysia. This despite the fact Sabah being richest in natural resources, comparable only to Sarawak, which also happen to have the poorest ethnic groups in the country.    

Rising relevance of a Third Force...

Jeffrey also said because none of BN and PR could really comprehend the aspirations of the people especially in East Malaysia and the marginalised natives and other ethnics, there is now a rising relevance of a third force in the country's political landscape.

"But the third force must have its own force and standing," he hastened to say, adding that Sabah and Sarawak are actually in a pole-position to dictate the balance of power in Malaysia, but that they are reluctant to act on their position of strength.


  1. Dr. J is under an illusion that Zaid is 'sayang' Sabah. He is just like any other Malayan politicians who are just making use of Sabah & Sarawak for his own political benefits. If he is true to his 'conviction' for the Borneo territories as what Dr J claims, then why did he ditch PKR just because he was loosing the race for the number 2 in the party to Azmin on 'thin' excuse - PKR is cheating. Did not he know that by withdrawing and subsequently quitting the party he would be letting down the Sabahans & Sarawakians who are banking their hopes on him? Knowing the hindsight of Malaysian politics (of which he is a part) which ride high on the practice that whoever can cheat the most would get it, he is just being very hypocrite here to say the least. What if he was winning over Azmin and he was fully aware of the cheating all around but he was going to be the beneficiary of this cheating anyway. Would he still be quitting? I doubt so, I really do!!

  2. Agree with Eye-Opened.

    Malayan politicians are all the same, semua tidak boleh diharap, kaki penipu kepada Sabah dan Sarawak...

  3. A Third Force that has its own force and standing means what doc?

    What are you waiting for?
    Dun wait for Zaid, come forward lead a the third force that has a standing ad force you can control and guide,, or nurture and leave behind as your ultimate legacy.

  4. With Anwar-Azmin set to dominate PKR leadership, all signs point to Ansari to be appointed the Party boss in Sabah.. Or at least incumbent Thamrin would be retained..

    Will Jeffrey accept if he is instead appointed PKR Sabah Chief ? He would appear stupid if he accepts, wouldn't he ?

    Jeffrey had said somewhere he would not want to be reapointed Vice President if it means nothing to Sabah and Sarawak..

    But then again in politics anything can happen... this time Anwar might just go ahead appointing Jeffrey, Ansari and Thamrin to sveral positions and concedes more to the State demands as per Jeffrey had fought.
    Without concession being made to Sabah autonomy, it will be a sorry thing if Jeffrey again accepts any of Anwar gesture..because Athe latter simply not a man of honesty. U cant trust his mouth.
