Namewee & Siti Inshah

Courtesy Hartal MSM
KUALA LUMPUR: Irony of ironies, the first of four police reports against Namewee was lodged at Kulaijaya police headquarters on Aug 28. Kulaijaya is the school district of the bigoted Ketuanan Melayu principal who had ordered the prayer bracelets of her Hindu students to be cut, according to details in the police reports against her.

Siti Inshah Mansor drew more than a dozen police reports for her religious bigotry (likening Hindu prayer strings to dog leashes) but no action taken, no harassment from the police.

As for Namewee, three police squad cars sped to his home late at night. So hardworking one, our PDRM.

But let’s see how Sniveling Star reported the two cases — Namewee’s and Siti Inshah’s.

On Namewee, the paper had the following reports:

■Rais warns of stern action over videos with racial slurs
■Stern action against those who incite racial uneasiness
■DPM warns of stern action against those who incite via words or actions
■Police: Wee not arrested yet
On Siti Inshah, UNBELIEVABLY!! the Sniveling Star did not even mention her by name in any of its reports:

■Send racist principal for counselling, says Chua
■School head under probe over racist remarks
■BN, Pakatan leaders united against speech at school
■Police question woman over alleged racist remarks
■Decision on Johor principal soon, says Wee
■Wee: Report on principal’s remarks expected today
Compare the tone of the coverage on the two cases. With Namewee, it’s clearly laced with intimidation and threat. With Siti Inshah, not only is she spared the ‘name and shame’, they’re treating her with kid gloves.

Doubtless Perkasa will be soon giving the woman a trophy and sash hailing her as Wiranita Hall of Famer.

But what turns our stomach is that MCA president Chua Soi Lek — whose party owns the Sniveling Star — merely calls for Siti Inshah to be transferred to a desk job and given counselling.

Furthermore the black pot Chua Soi Lek dares to scold the kettle Namewee for “a lot of vulgar words and signs that should not be used at all.”

Hah! Talk about thick skin.


Related, see today in Malaysian Mirror, columnist Mariam Mokhtar:

“If Namewee (Wee Meng Chee) is prosecuted for his music-video, then two mixed messages are being sent out by the government: The first is that the authorities practise double-standards. The second is that it was only because of Namewee’s ‘intervention’ that the government sat up and took racism seriously.”

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