A mystery woman visited Dr Jeffrey's house...

By Rosalind Bion 
PENAMPANG: On September 7, 2010 at around 4.30pm, just before Dr Jeffrey Kitingan arrived at his house, Sokid Villa, a mystery lady by the name of Agnes Lim reached there in a car.
This mystery lady related to me while she was praying that day, she heard a voice, she believed it was a holy spirit, urging her to go to Jeffrey's house which she claimed she never knew the location was, and i believed her.
She also told me she never met Jeffrey. In fact, when she came in, she was asking one of my lady friends outside the office if she were the wife of Jeffrey... The others didn't pay much attention to this lady, but she has a story to tell...

This lady claimed the holy spirit guided her to reach Jeffrey's house, located in Bukit Padang - Minintod road. 
Coincidently or fatedly, earlier i lighted candles at the altari inside the Sokid office. A  day earlier on September 6, i was supposed to light the mini altar but i just could not find the candles in my bag.
On September 7, i prayed to the Lord to give victory to Jeffrey’s group (in a Parti Keadilan Rakyat party election) and also victory to all the women in PKR doesn't matter which group they are with.  
In my prayer, i asked for a sign, and that i promised to light candles everyday at the altar.. Later at 4.30pm when this mysterious lady came to Sokid and told her story, i was reminded of my prayer. 
I was also struck by her revelation that when she came she saw a brightness emanated from the office building but she didn't see the Sokid house building which stand side by side with the office block.
Now she told me she came to convey a 5-point messages from the holy spirit to Jeffrey, and here are they in her words, as closest as possible as i can remember :  

1.       ...Your new heart to God, all Sabahans;
2.       To see Lee Kuan Yew and talk to him about championing Sabahans and for funds;
3.       Dr  Jeffrey have to unite all the KDMS first then all the other races;
4.       Jeffrey has to lead and he is the bridge; and
5.       Dr Jeffrey has to join Pairin (his elder brother) in order to gain the hearts and mind of the people...
I am sharing this in the best hope that believers and non-believers alike will reflect on them, sufficient as an encouragement rather than distraction, ...to become better persons and leaders.  

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