Malaysia is dead when Singapore left the Federation in 1965

By Peter Kuek
What this country needs now is a GOOD DESPOT who can put a stop to all the bloody nonsense from UMNO /BN who are the real axis of evil. This man can be a Malay, a Chinese, an Indian or any of the indigenious people of this country, I don't really care, so long he can get the job done. He can stay as long as he likes so long he can get this country out of the misery and give equal and fair treatment to all citizens. The power of a nation lies in an educated and happy people and not in the barrel of a gun.

Why the fuck do we, Sarawakians & Sabahans have to suffer for those stupid Malayans who continue to colonialise us under neo-colonialism without caring a fuck about the 20 / 18 Points ?

Do you think the Malayans care a fuck about us ? They are all laughing at our own stupidity in continuing to support the axis of evil especially in our own countries of Sarawak and Sabah, inspite of knowing very well how the greedy Malayans continue to systematically marginalise us. From an equal partner in Malaysia, we have been down-graded to one of the poorest states in this evil formation. What the fuck are our own political parties doing to allow our countries to be so badly treated by the Malayans all these years of so-called independence?

I blame the British bastards for letting us down in the first place. We were not ready for independence as we did not have the capable people to run the country independently. What they did was to corrupt some greedy timber tycoons and an illiterate person to agree to the formation. What the colonialists should have done would be to grant us independence under a protectorate like in the case with Brunei and allow us time to groom and elect capable leaders to make our own decision whether or not to be partners with any neighbouring countries. No, and like Pontius Pilate, they just washed their bloody dirty paws and threw us from the frying pot into the fire. They had done us a lot of harm.

And what the fuck did leaders in our own countries Sabah and Sarawak do when Singapore was kicked out of the unholy marriage ? They just sat on their haunches and did nothing and allowed the Malayans to swarm over us.

Malaysia was formed with four countries viz : Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak and Sabah as equal partners. The whole concept should have disintegrated when any one of the participating countries decided to "leave" the federation. As far as I am concerned, Malaysia was dead since 1965 when Singapore was kicked out. The three countries Malaya, Sarawak and Sabah should have been separate independent countries from 1965.

You would now ask, "What the fuck did our own Sarawak & Sabah leaders
do when there was no more Malaysia in 1965 ?"

I remember reading an article in an English tabloid when the formation was announced which described it as an Unholy Marriage Between A British Pimp And A Malayan Prostitude Resulting In An Illegitimate Bastard Called Malaysia; that it would never work out smoothly as with the case of the two Pakistans separated by 500 miles of mountainous land vis-a-vis 500 miles of sea between East Malaysia and West Malaysia.

The tabloid was right.


  1. The problem is even after 47 years of continued fuckings we Sabahans and Sarawakians are NOT even aware that we have been fucked off, fucked up, fucked down, fucked in and fucked out. Instead, we really enjoy to hear their snarling whisper "Let me FUCK you". Now who to blame?

  2. Agree.. you see the mentality block is still there, that we east malaysians cannot escape the serial rapists.. the onus is on us.. Rise Borneo Rise is the new sport anthem written by Kanul i heard!!

  3. Sabahans and Sarawakians are now rushing and racing to support KL based parties in the hope to topple BN from the throne NOT realising that this is also letting the Malayans to FUCK them up (this time 'liwat dari belakang'. All this while 'fucking dari depan punya'). In other words, same siblings doing the FUCKING - dulu abang, sekarang adik. Tapi FUCKING juga! And the victims are still Sabahans and Sarawakians!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You convince me, so pray what do you think we should do next? Maybe bring this matter up to the International Court of Justice? Another grouse, besides others is a resource like oil that would be protected under our 18/20 Malaysia agreement is now controlled by the Malayans leaving Sarawak and Sabah each a a misery annual 5% royalty....
