Dr Jeffrey wins PKR top post in Pensiangan Division

By Ezra Haganez
PENSIANGAN: Maverick politician, PKR vice president Dr Jeffrey Kitingan today won the post of PKR Divisional Head or Ketua Cabang for Pensiangan, a large but mostly rural area neighbouring Indonesian East Kalimantan.

A closely-watched three cornered tussle, the fight saw Jeffrey, who moved from adjacent Keningau to Pensiangan only weeks ago, winning by a majority of 64 votes, polling 170 over incumbent Danny Andipai's respectable 106.

Danny is aligned to another PKR Vice President, Azmin Ali, through the latter's loyal proxy in Sabah, Ansari Abdullah.

A third candidate, Sabinus Sipin, a proxy to Andipai, who faced a looming bankruptcy, failed to get a single vote.

Elated Jeffrey said: "I thank the party members for having confidence in me, electing me to lead Pensiangan division."

"I won today because of the people's support, this despite rival's last-minute aggressive campaign against me," he said.

Jeffrey, said he would reorganise the division in order to make it a better set-up to  serve party members and the people at large.

Jeffrey is also seeking to be elected as one of the PKR Vice Presidents in the party's landmark election where all members are eligible to vote.

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